View Full Version : TCAS Switch ?

09-18-2007, 08:24 AM
Hi folks,

just a question to know how do you get TCAS traffic displayed on the GC, on your particular system (I have CPFlight MCP+EFIS+RADIOS).

Yes, I already know about pressing the TFC knob on the EFIS control panel ...

but this one ought to work like his "colleagues" ... what I mean here is that we should NOT see any traffic, thanks to the TFC switch ALONE, until the XPDR mode selector is set to TA or TA/RA; just like the WXR returns: pressing WXR button on the EFIS control panel shouldn't be enough unless the WXR radar itself is on and out of stand-by mode ...

How do you operate these systems ?

Thanks and always three greens ...


Jan Pemöller
09-18-2007, 10:03 AM
Hi Eudoniga,

without CP Flight it is not possible to simulate these points like in real.
CP Flight has to find new offsets for there buttons. And with pm system you could then program the logic:

if CP-EFIS-WX and WX-ON then show PM-WX in ND
if CP-TCAS = RA etc and CP-EFIS-TFC then show PM-TCAS in ND

Paulo has maybe something like that in Beta, I think.
Check CP Flights Homepage / Downloads

Best regards

09-18-2007, 11:20 AM
hello Jan,

according to Paolo Azimonti the CPflight firmware is already sending out all the necessary outputs for all the devices it replicates phisically.

It's up to the Project Magenta Team to expand the range of available and operational offsets in order to include these other kind of controls, not simulated from any PM software module for the time being; once the locations are there, programming the logics should be within reach, even for us "mortals" ...


Happy landings and always three greens,

Jan Pemöller
09-19-2007, 02:50 AM
ok, great!

could you ask for the offsets, pls?
When they send the signal they had to define the offsets.
But maybe they wait to get them from Enrico ...

Thanks for the info!

09-19-2007, 05:39 AM
Confirmed, Paolo said the "upper level" of this programming is reserved to Enrico & friends ... the firmware does his job, by outputting a code whenever a button/knob/switch is activated ... and this happens of course for the XPDR mode selector ... from there on, it's up to PM modules to process these codes for the intended purpose.

Basically, I guess that new sysvars are to be assigned to free offsets, so that the variable list grows more, and the logics can be programmed ...



Peter Nielsen
09-19-2007, 06:16 AM
Confirmed, Paolo said the "upper level" of this programming is reserved to Enrico & friends ... the firmware does his job, by outputting a code whenever a button/knob/switch is activated ... and this happens of course for the XPDR mode selector ... from there on, it's up to PM modules to process these codes for the intended purpose.

Basically, I guess that new sysvars are to be assigned to free offsets, so that the variable list grows more, and the logics can be programmed ...



I aksed Enrico a long time ago if the TCAS could display Tail Nbr or Flight Nbr of the targets, to which he confirmed that yes this was already there within the CDU commands, however all i ever get is the Flight Level of the target to show above/bellow me. any other CDU related TCAS bottom simply turns the TCAS display to off!

Anyoone out here have it different?

Also a difernet issue, each time i selevt WXR on the CP fligght EFIS i hear a "ding dong" (the PM sound for seat belts???)


09-19-2007, 07:17 AM
Hello Peter !

Yes, you can obtain the company-flt number (e.g. ALITALIA 689) label shown on the GC instead of the flt lvl for that aircraft.

I did that by assigning (from within FSUIPC) a specific FSUIPC offset (those dedicated to the PM Glass Cockpit controls) to a controller available button.
Then you go back to flt level, and this - I guess - is the only available alternative (no tail number or other stuff, as far as I know).

But you're right, you don't do it by simply pressing the TFC/range knob, that works only as a TFC on / TFC off switch.

Read the documentation about FSUIPC offsets (you need the FSUIPC SDK docs, or to consult the PM Documentation website pages online), you'll learn about it all !!!

Happy flying,;)