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View Full Version : New Fspilot from Holland.

10-10-2007, 08:12 AM
Hello Simmers,

My name is Benno, i am from Holland and 40 years old. Flightsimming for 15 years now i guess, and now building my own cockpit. Pictures will follow. Started with an Airbus cockpit (Nova panels) and now slowly rebuilding it to the 737NG because of the fact that there is more info and hardware available. And ofcourse it's a great plane :D

Got 2 pc's, one dualcore AMD machine for FS9 and a Pentium 4 for the FreeFD glass cockpit software, and VASfmc. Also have a triplehead2go for the outside view with a 24" widescreen monitor and 2 21" monitors next to it. Also have a homebuild working TQ and a homebuild overhead replica 737NG (not backlit, but that is the next step).

Completed with my Goflight Boeing style rudder pedals, a yoke column (homebuild), real 737 crew seat, and i selfbuild copilot set i have a pretty good flying experience. Slowly the cockpit in my small cellar is getting better and better with a small budget (read: wife and 2 kids) lol. I think i rebuild my cockpit a thousand times but i learn from every time i build something new or better. Hope to share al lot of information with you guys!



10-10-2007, 09:00 AM
Welcome to MC.org! We would love to see pictures of your project, and always feel free to step in and offere a hand to someone else, or ask help for your self.

Eric T