View Full Version : really confued with this...

11-11-2007, 03:35 PM
Hello together,

iam really confused with the flap-settings in the aircraft cdu file. No matter wich aircraft i
use, i never get the correct flap indications in PFD.

I try to use PMDG 737 aircraft and yes..i know that you cant give support for known reason, but
may you can explain me something thats so strange for me.

flppos= is the flapsettings within FS
flpset = is the indication tha will apear on the analog gauge
vmin = is the min. indictaion (Barber)
vret = is the bug that apears on speedband for nest lower flap settings (is this the maneuvering speedbug?)
vext = the same as vret, but for next higher flap seetings
vmax = is the max barber on PFD

I hope i understood this correct!?

I dont understand, how makes the PFD diffeference between vret ans vext? Both are indications that
apears on speedband, but one during takeoff and the other one during approach? But sometimes i see
the bug for vext at the same time as the vret?! How can it happend??

The other probble is, that i cant get the speedbug for flap 10 and 2 alive on the speedband!? Not matter wich
value i set in te cdu-file.

I tried to get it work for many weeks, but until now without success.

Could anybody help me please...

Regards Thomas

Bob Reed
11-11-2007, 03:38 PM
There is a PMDG txt file for the cdu on the PM site that has the correct flaps settingsfor the PMDG.You need to use it as well to get the flaps settings to work right in PM and FS....

11-11-2007, 04:07 PM
Hi Bob,

exactly that is the problem, because this file and also the other files for pmdg ac does not work properly.

I donīt understand why it does not work. So i try to understand hw PM does handle the entries in the cdu-file.

The main problem is, that its important how PM makes a difference between vext and vret, because i can see sometimes both values at the same time on the speedband.
