View Full Version : Vox Atc & Voice Buddy Clash Problem

Geremy Britton
11-25-2007, 08:55 AM
i have both vox atc and the voice buddy software. Both of which use voice recognition to carry out the commands. Unfortunately when i have both running at the same time and voice buddy is speaking it cancels out vox atc so it doesn't respond to my requests. so i have to kepp disableing it and restarting vox atc and tuning frequencies again etc. I cannot overcome this. I have tried vox atc without voice buddy and it works fine. I dont understand why it will do this they should just talk at the same time if there happens to be a clash between vox and voice buddy talking at the same time instead it just shuts vox atc up and it doesn't reply or ask anything else for the remainded of the flight.

both peices of software are extreamly helpful so i wouldn't want to have to get rid of one of them.

help and advice is much appreciated,

thanks, geremy

Trevor Hale
11-25-2007, 10:51 AM

The difficult issue here, is both software trying to access the Sound device at the same time.

I am not sure how these programs work, but I would suggest possibly installing the devices on 2 separate computers communicating through Wide client.

This may help, as each device would have it's own speakers.


Geremy Britton
11-27-2007, 01:32 PM
wont be using 2 computers... any more help to conquer this would be helpful?...

Thanks in advance

11-28-2007, 03:48 AM
Have an empty slot? Install another sound card.

11-28-2007, 08:45 PM
I'm trying to understand why they would conflict. 2 seperate programs doing different things. Commonality is voice recognition. So...If VOXAtc doesn't hear or get a valid input, like "Flaps 10" which is VoiceBuddy, does it just shut down? Priority setting??? I don't even think seperate sound cards on the same machine would cure it. Just a thought.

11-28-2007, 09:43 PM
Hi all,
these two programs are indeed separate but BOTH use the MS speech engine.
I have had a fiddle with voice buddy but it is no longer on my system so i can't verify anything just now.

To my way of thinking , vox atc is 'listening' .... to the voice engine output & can't tell if YOU or voice buddy is speaking.
Does that sound correct?

I remember that when you speak to voice buddy it gives a spoken voice acknowledgement & this is the possibly the cause of the greif.
OK now i don't know if it is possible but if the acknowlegment in voice buddy can be changed in options to a NON voice beep or some other sound that does NOT use the voice engine it may go some way to help lessen the problem.

As always, if my suggestions cause a meltdown , i wasn't here , i didn't do it, there was this other guy.....

Lotsa luck

11-28-2007, 10:10 PM
Just had another thought.......
One or both these programs may have an option for ' push to talk' (voice buddy does) & i assume that means they are in standby until the key is pressed.
That may stop them conflicting with each other.
An extra step & not hands free but worth a try i guess.


Geremy Britton
11-29-2007, 07:48 AM
Hi again, Voice buddy is permanently listening until you tell it to shut up or wake up. vox atc is on a push to talk so only listens when a button is pressed. however the settings in vox atc tell me to set the bar as respond even though it may not be sure of what you said. and voice buddy uses the MS speech engine too however it tells me to configure this page separately. i dont know which to do. If i talk to vox atc voice buddy will be listening and will act on the command it thinks it heard even though it wasnt talking to it anyway! so when asking for clearance from vox atc the gear comes up etc in voice buddy. not nice!

The only option is keep telling voice buddy to shut up so it doesn't listen to my command each time i need to talk to vox atc. this means a lot of work when landing when both programms are needed quickly without messing about doing that.

Keep the brain storming coming i will try a few more options tonight. :)

Thanks again,


12-02-2007, 05:13 PM
Have an empty slot? Install another sound card.

Do you think this would enable seperate (split) audio? One card tweaked for cockpit and the other for more bass levels?

Just a thought.


12-02-2007, 07:41 PM

In FSX, YES! Its made to do just that. In FS9... Hmmm... Not sure.