View Full Version : A320 FCU - need help find parts

12-03-2007, 06:15 PM
I am new here, and new to cockpit building.
I live in Norway and I am a huge Airbus fan.

I have started planning to build LOW COST A320 FCU based on IOCards from Opencockpits.

So I know what kind of IO Cards do I need, how many 7-segments displays I need and stuff like that, but I have big problems with switches and buttons.

I am trying to find out where can I buy switches for A320 FCU.

Did some one have a list over witch switch, and where can I buy it (greatfull for a part number)?

12-03-2007, 08:36 PM
Hi Goose,

Check the following:
www.flightdecksolutions.com (http://www.flightdecksolutions.com)
www.cockpitsonic.com (http://www.cockpitsonic.com)
www.airsimtech.com (http://www.airsimtech.com)

Yes, they are very well known... just in case!

You can also check the following:
www.simparts.de (http://www.simparts.de)
www.dakenskys.com (http://www.dakenskys.com)

Hope ot helps!

12-04-2007, 07:18 AM
Yes I know those sites, but I want to build low cost.
I do not want to buy finished product, and i do not want to buy switches for $20-$30 each when if you got to ex: http://www.mouser.com/ switches cost max $5 each.
The problem is to find a switch that is like in real airbus cockpit.

I found out that this can be used: http://www.mouser.com/catalog/specsheets/MS-100226.pdf but this switch do not have any back light, only LED indicator when ON. but it costs $2,08 each.

I know that AML51 switches can be used, but I do not know witch one.

So what I need help to is to find out where (witch electronics suppler) can I get Airbus style switches for FCU.

Michael Carter
12-04-2007, 09:01 AM
You won't find switches that look like Airbus switches for $5. Even used as-removed Airbus toggle switches are $10.

You might have to make a few concessions if you want it cheap rather than authentic.

12-04-2007, 09:07 AM
So you guys are buying things from sites like flightdecksolutions?

Trevor Hale
12-04-2007, 09:09 AM
Yes I know those sites, but I want to build low cost.
I do not want to buy finished product, and i do not want to buy switches for $20-$30 each when if you got to ex: http://www.mouser.com/ switches cost max $5 each.
The problem is to find a switch that is like in real airbus cockpit.

I found out that this can be used: http://www.mouser.com/catalog/specsheets/MS-100226.pdf but this switch do not have any back light, only LED indicator when ON. but it costs $2,08 each.

I know that AML51 switches can be used, but I do not know witch one.

So what I need help to is to find out where (witch electronics suppler) can I get Airbus style switches for FCU.

Hey Goose,

If you want AML Switches your looking to spend about $35.00 USD each. SO either your going to need to get something that looks similar but for cheaper or you will have to spend the big bucks.

For interfaces if you want cheap kits that you can build yourself, goto opencockpits.com and they have interface kits you can build.

May of us are, but some of us are building our own :)

Best regards,


12-04-2007, 09:21 AM
Oki, witch of those AML switches can I use?
Forget now low cost. I have spent 4 hours today searching parts catalogs for the switch and I gave up to find something cheap.

I even saw after Plexiglas bars to build own switch.

12-14-2007, 04:56 AM
Those who build own switches with indication and backlight LED.
What type of LED did you use?
10000mcd? 5000mcd?