View Full Version : Need help finding one of these please.

12-11-2007, 09:57 PM
I need a 26Vac or 115Vac 400Hx power supply or an Inverter that will take 28Vdc and turn it into 115Vac 400Hz.

I have looked on Google for 2 nights straight without success. I found several but they were all 1000.00++ :(

I am on a tight budget like most builders.

On my 737 sim i used to have 3 inverters, i gave one away, one went with the sim, and one was not working.

I paid 30.00 each for those. Now i can't find one to save my life.


Michael Carter
12-12-2007, 12:54 AM
$1K is about the going rate for a static inverter. You might find one a couple hundred cheaper at a surplus outlet.

If you're going to play with 400 cycle powered equipment it's going to cost. There's no way around it.

Bob Reed
12-12-2007, 01:13 AM
Mike needs to finish his new book. I think he tells you how to build one!

12-12-2007, 03:26 AM
What brand was the one you gave away?
Its not your specs but check this one.


Michael Carter
12-12-2007, 09:23 AM
That's not the type he's after.

I doubt that even puts out the entire sine wave. Most of them are a modified square wave or clipped sine wave.

Bad for some electronics and unusable for 400 Hz requirements.

Here are a couple under 1K:

Scoll 3rd of the way down:
KGS Electronic TSO'D 30 VA Static Inverter PN SC3 & SCA3

Half-way down:
KGS Electronic TSO'D VA Static Inverter PN SPC -5


Another here, unused since overhaul, no price listed. Scoll half-way down:


12-12-2007, 06:57 PM
Thanks Michael, i e-mailed them asking for a price.

I also found this one but look at the input requierments!! I hope that is a typo!

The one's i had before were from a helicopter and were fairly small.

Michael Carter
12-12-2007, 10:46 PM
That would power the entire simulator if you could meet the input requirements!

That might be an inverter for the battery buss. The battery is the only place I can think of to get that voltage and current.

12-12-2007, 11:15 PM
28VDC at 110 Amps on the input is about right for 2.5KW output. That would put the efficiency at 81%. If you're only pulling, say, 250 watts, you should see something on the order of 11 amps on the input. Maybe a bit more, it doesn't scale exactly linearly.

12-13-2007, 02:17 AM
It just so happens that my new job has just what i need to drive this. All the cell phone tower equipment has a battery back-up that is 28Vdc and will handle up to 500amps!

What do you think a 727 full of gauges will pull in total power? Think this would be enough, 2.5Kw?
Thanks guys,

Michael Carter
12-13-2007, 10:00 AM
That would be more than enough.

It's been 20 years since I worked with 3 phase 400 cycle power. Check to see that you're still getting that much wattage on a single leg of the three phase. You won't need all three legs for the instruments. They're all single phase instruments.

Check out these batteries here: http://www.siloworld.com/576thSMS/Present%20Day/MINUTEMAN/LF-8/lf-8.htm

Scroll down to the 15th picture. Those batteries are 36V and weight 1500 Lbs each. I worked in LF's all over west-central Missouri. Takes all day to change one.

12-13-2007, 05:42 PM
What do you think a 727 full of gauges will pull in total power? Think this would be enough, 2.5Kw?
Thanks guys,


I'm not familiar enough with the 727 to say with certainty. Nonetheless, my gut feel is that the load would not be near that. Small single pointer engine gauges are generally simply a synchro receiver with a point on its shaft. One of these is a few watts. Larger instruments with with motors servoed to synchro signals (e.g. ADI) are on the order of 20~30 watts.


12-13-2007, 09:48 PM
Well i found 2 , 28Vdc 50A power supplies for 10.00 each working!! They weigh 160lbs each!!

I will hook them together to get my 100amp supply.

Thanks for helping guys! Gotta love this site!