View Full Version : PANEL ROTATION for PMDG

Geremy Britton
12-26-2007, 10:30 AM
i have just bought a glass instument panel that a monitor can be displayed behind to show the instruments. my new pmdg 737ng 700/800 i got for xmas will size the respective windows to size and area i want them but the monitor is slightly too thin and the bottom glass display goes off the bottom of the screen

however wheni rotate the monitor lenthways you can fit them on but i cannnot get the movable unlockable panels in PMDG to rotate with my monitor. it doesn't look like this will owrk and i realy need to fit them on the panel this way up.

can anyone give me any tips about this - if it is possible that would be great!

(Hope everyone had a good christmas!)

thanks, geremy

Michael Carter
12-26-2007, 10:38 AM
You could try using the video card software and rotate the image 90 degrees. That should work for you.

Geremy Britton
12-26-2007, 11:24 AM
how does that work -

i was thinking of fs panel studio?

12-26-2007, 12:13 PM
If you use an Nvidia video card, just right click on your desktop and choose 'NVIDIA Control Panel' and then choose 'Display/Rotate Display'.

12-26-2007, 01:18 PM
Hi Geremy.

Go to www.simviation.com

search for this zip file.


If you take a little time, read and understand it.
You will be able to open the aircraft panel.cfg file and resize the panels to fit your monitor.
Best of luck

Geremy Britton
12-27-2007, 04:13 PM
i'm afraid its not a case of resizing the panels to fit my monitor. i have bought a frame that has pre cut out squeres that the EICAS will be shown through but i can only get the screen to cover this area by turning the monitor sideways (otherwise i will have a gap at the bottom of the cut out panel)

the problem is i cannot get the undocked panels from pmdg to rotate with screen sideways.

perhaps i didn't explain my situation very clearly...

more help??

12-28-2007, 12:24 AM
Sorry about the confusion Geremy.
I was looking at your problem from a whole different point of view.

:oops: It seems you have me stumped!

I'm going to think about it a bit and get back to you. Can't stand the thought
of not being able to turn panels sideways!

Hope I'm not up all night. LOL.

I just had an epiphany!

It seems you may just have to donate the current monitor to the wife and kids to play games on.

See how easy it is to earn brownie points!

Then when she thinks your such a nice guy go bye a monitor that fits the instrument panel, problem solved.

All kidding aside that may be the only answer Geremy.
I will continue to ponder.

12-28-2007, 05:01 AM
Hi Geremy,

Isnt it the case that if you have your monitor physically turned on its side and then use your GPU settings to turn 90 deg then everything will appear the correct way up so you then dont need to rotate them anymore, just resize? Or am I still missing the problem :oops:?


Geremy Britton
12-28-2007, 07:35 AM
in fact that could be a possibility. are the GPU settings on the control panel in windows XP (not familiar with this.) I think there may be a possibility of turning the whole perspective of the monitor so everything is displayed rotated with the monitor so it will be right way up - then i just resize in FS.

if you could just explain how to get and adjust the GPU settings i will give it a go!

however i dont need the monitor turning just yet because this is my primary (only!) pc that runs flight sim and where i configure all settings etc. so i hope it isn't a permanent measure and can be adjusted back at any time. i don't think i would manage sitting at the sim programming with my head permanently sideways getting the view straight from the rotated monitor view:D

thanks - you may have hit on something here!


12-28-2007, 07:51 AM

What Graphics card are you using?
If you are using an Nvidia card then right click on your desktop, you should see Nvidia Display as an option, take this and select the screen you have attached, this will pop a new window and in these options near the bottom there should be something called NV Rotate - this lets you rotate your screen at the click of a button.... You may need to install some later drivers if you dont see this and are using an NV card...


Michael Carter
12-28-2007, 11:03 AM
In many video card programs it's called 'portrait' and 'landscape' views,

Sounds like you want portrait.

Geremy Britton
12-28-2007, 11:07 AM
will give it a go - will let you know the results in a bit:)

Geremy Britton
01-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Found it! screen rotation can be turned 90 and 180 degrees then turns fine 90 degrees but then i start flight simulator and it opens portrait ways as expected (90*) but when i create a flight it does it but then when it is loading the flight a windows message comes up saying flight simulator has to close.

If anyone needs anymore details from the windows message let me know i realy could do with sorting it out


Geremy Britton
01-02-2008, 03:24 PM
is it to do with the resolution of the monitor, because when flight sim loads up it only covers half of the rotated screen.

Will continue to have a fiddle around with FS and windows.

Geremy Britton
01-02-2008, 03:59 PM
I have just had a thought: the problem still shows when starting MSFS when rotated 90* (works fine when rotated back to normal) on the windows has to close message you get when there is a problem it says (amoungst other things) :

Mod Name: Panels.Dll

I did a search for this folder and this was the only one that came up and it was in the Fs9 folder. It has a 400 KB size i dont know if this is big or small?

I was thinking; From the windows message i seem to think this is the problem - and if it is a small meaningless item i will delete it and then the windows message (in theory) will not appear. i have done this successfully in the past.

I just need to know what realtive size is 400 Kb and does anyone else have this folder if knowone else does then i will delete it as it isn't a major part of flight sim.

Thanks in advance!

01-02-2008, 04:54 PM
Just done a check, my panels.dll is 392k
Its registered as a microsoft module so I guess it wouldnt be a good idea to delete it - although I suppose you could rename it try and then rename back if all doesnt work out as expected...
Do you have any CLS products? Did a quick search on the net and a lot of posts about panels.dll seem to mention they have adjusted that module...

Geremy Britton
01-03-2008, 11:11 AM
sorry, but what are CLS products?:(

Geremy Britton
01-03-2008, 11:40 AM
just found on google, no i dont have any of that. Ch products yoke and peddles, couple of desktop aviator modules, homemade throttle quad, and MS joystick.

i will try out what you said by renaming the file etc.

Geremy Britton
01-03-2008, 04:23 PM
renamed the file but then i couldn't find it under the new name. did loads of searches no luck. then even more windows messages came up saying all different files were the cause. so i decided to uninstall it and reinstall now works fine - havn't dared to try the screen rotation again yet :p though may wait until i get another monitor connected because my current one may not be the one i use anyway