View Full Version : F-16 Cockpit

01-09-2008, 07:45 AM
Someone once gave me a sheet of paper with several drawings of a similar item, each more grandiose and impractical than the last and titled variously, "what R&D proposed", "what engineering designed", "what drafting drew", "what the machineshop prototyped", "what marketing suggested"...

until the final drawing, a simple, easy to use, effective item marked

"what the customer actually ordered"

I laughed but I now find:

What I originally wanted:


What the wife approved:


What accounting budgeted:


What "stores" procured:


What machine shop prototyped:


What QA and user group asked for:





David Rogers
01-09-2008, 01:21 PM
Awesome post !

That is a great, original pit you have threre.... :)

Trevor Hale
01-09-2008, 01:25 PM

Why are you living in a mud hole?

Not enough hydro to power a light bulb let alone a sim LOL

01-11-2008, 03:26 AM
Thanks Guys,

I live in a mud hole because that is where my wife tells me to ;) ......I find I do what she wants A LOT these days... :D

My budget for the sim was $5000 including a new computer. That went in the first two weeks and it has been two years of constant buying, building and changing since then. The other night she summarized the "final cost" for me and I assured her that I was "practically finished", at least as far as "buying" went. Now I KNOW you all know how the story goes from here (spending since then already $800).

I am truly amazed at most of the set ups you guys have here. I couldn't begin to guess at some of the costs. Obvioulsy most of you have wives/partners who are as generous and understanding as mine.



Bob Reed
01-11-2008, 12:10 PM
I think you will find most of the guys here will agree with me.... but maybe not publicly...That without the understanding wifes that we have our projects just very simply would not be. Most of them "tolerate" the sim some openly support. My wife has always been supportive. Does not mean she likes the sim, in fact I think she hates it, but she supports it as my hobby and yes including spending a little money on it! As long as it is no more then $58.00:shock:

01-11-2008, 02:04 PM
I think you will find most of the guys here will agree with me.... but maybe not publicly...That without the understanding wifes that we have our projects just very simply would not be. Most of them "tolerate" the sim some openly support. My wife has always been supportive. Does not mean she likes the sim, in fact I think she hates it, but she supports it as my hobby and yes including spending a little money on it! As long as it is no more then $58.00:shock:

My wife approves, also. She says it keeps me home and is cheaper than golf or a real airplane.

01-11-2008, 02:06 PM
Darryl, I have a T-38 cockpit. I made most of the parts and it has still cost me several thousand... counting.

01-11-2008, 08:05 PM
Awesome set up there, I always love the F-16 sims.

LOL My wife approves too until I show her some of the setups here and then I see a noose hanging! All kidding aside she's ok, its all about compromise, she likes shopping spending money on hair stylists, I like little kids BMX bikes that cost more than three of the cars I've driven and constantly upgrading PCs and buying computer toys. So long as everything stays balanced (shiny brilliant diamonds come to mind) I live inside where its warm and the frying pan is only used for cooking! I think you can all understand why my sim will be very generic.

01-11-2008, 08:28 PM
Thanks mates,

My wife fully supports the cockpit, which is great. I suppose I have largely financed it by giving up real flight time, which is getting expensive these days.

We don't have kids which makes it all a LOT easier, both time and money wise.

I am just in awe of most of the work here. I hope to post on a lot of your threads once I have some time to track them all down and read them.

One question...seems I should start a gallery rather than posting pictures in threads??


pS....the tent is not where I am living "now", it was 12 months ago and will be again in April. By choice though, not my wife's idea............note to self...don't let wife read threads!!!