View Full Version : PMDG Speedbrake sound

01-11-2008, 08:34 PM
Hi all,

Does anybody know the location of the speedbrake .wav file in the FS9 PMDG 737NG?

I have been unable to locate it for editing, the speedbrake sound is too loud and I wish to reduce it's volume using Soundforge 7. My ground roll sound is perfect through my seat subs but when I pull the speedbrake on in flight, I have some distortion due to the excessive volume of the .wav file. I also want to experiment with extending the length of the .wav file to try and eliminate the repititive rythym it generates.

Thanks in advance,


01-11-2008, 11:06 PM
Hey Gwyn. It's in a sneaky spot with all the TCAS, trim sounds etc. as well.

On my PC it's here: C:\Flight Simulator 9\Sound\Pmdg\737tng\

This is because the speedbrake sound is custom programmed on the PMDG and the sound is not in the usual spot in the aircraft folder.

01-12-2008, 03:41 AM
Good onya Nic, I'll check it out tomorrow. When I've modified the wav file I'll make it available for everyone.

Cheers, Gwyn

01-12-2008, 06:37 PM
I searched the folders you said Nic and found the problem .wav file. There are actually two, one is in the 737tng folder named 'Pmdg_Speedbrake' and the other is in the folder above that one (Sound) named Pmdg_speedbrake. It was the one in the Sound folder with the small 's' that was too loud. I reduced the volume of it to 75% and it now operates perfectly without shaking my sim to bits. Prevously the heavy vibration shook the power pack for my video splitter out of the power board and I thought my projector globe had gone, glad it wasn't that. I have a spare but they are OZ$350 each. I also changed the graphic EQ on the "Sink Rate" .wav file and the warning is now a lot clearer and easier to understand, it no longer sounds like "Think rate". If anyone wants these modified sound files just send me an email and I'll send them over.
Cheers Nic,


01-13-2008, 07:03 AM
hello, can you also modify the standard flap sound of FS9, this is also making me crazy when flying. I have theat but shaker and when using flaps this thing is going crazy.
is it possible that you send me the ajusted speedbrake sound.

02-01-2008, 10:09 AM
hello, is there a modified flap sound of FS9, this is making me crazy when flying. I have that but shaker and when using flaps this thing is going crazy. Normally in the 737 it can't be heard in the cockpit. What to do here ?

02-01-2008, 07:12 PM
Hi Phil,
If you can locate the problem sound file and email it to me, I will send 4 or 5 modified versions back to you eg 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% 50% volume and you can choose the one that works best for you.


02-02-2008, 06:24 AM
it is the default fs9 flapsound. Included the file.

02-02-2008, 06:26 AM
i just e-mailed the flap sound to your e-mail adress.

02-02-2008, 09:22 AM
Hi Phil.

Job done and files returned!
