View Full Version : Major addition made to the Sim today. Shell??

02-07-2008, 08:20 PM
Today i made my Sim base for the new Shell i ordered from Flightdeck Solutions. I look forward to getting this fine looking product and will give you all a full review!! :)

The base is made of 2x8"x10' topped with 1/2" plywood and painted Boeing gray. The shell will be mounted on top of this with the Flight Engineer stand and Instructor station sitting in the rear. It is 8' wide in the rear and 70" in the front. The rear section is 34" deep and 8' wide to hole the F/E stand and Inst. station

I also got the Throttle mounted as well. It is starting to come together now as also have my F/E stand on order as well. :)

Michael Carter
02-07-2008, 11:56 PM
Looks great Rob!

02-08-2008, 12:43 PM
Yeah very nice! Good kob! 8)