View Full Version : Cockpit required in CA area - Off-topic

03-05-2008, 06:07 PM

I've been asked to see if anyone is interested in making their cockpit avialable for a short film project (low budget). It would require x1 day shooting between 27th April / 12th March. Location, 400NM radius of Los Angeles (idealy). The cockpit has to be faily complete but does not have to be fully functional, they are looking ideally for something that looks real, side shots of pilots and behind pilots to main instrument panel - most likely a real 737 cockpit conversion type simulator would be ideal I think. The other consideration is that your cockpit is placed in an area that allows access around it, they might have to place lighting outside the cockpit and screens. (i.e. if you have fixed visuals, they might have to be moved).

If anyone is interested in this (taking into account the above), drop me a mail to discuss further. Only write to me if this interests you on a personal level re the filming - I don't think there is any money in this project apart perhaps from minor expenses. So, consider this carefully beforehand!

Jonathan Richardson
Project Magenta


03-05-2008, 10:36 PM
Wish I lived there, I have a fair bit of movie making experience!
