View Full Version : Problems with PM software in professional use

03-09-2008, 01:08 PM
Dear all,

well I’m not quite so sure I can join all you folks in your enthusiasm about PM and its‘ software. I happen to know of an FTO where they are having some real serious problems with the system. The school has actually bought a version for commercial use in order to train their ATPL pilots on an FNPT for the 737. However after its‘ system was inspected by the local aviation authorities their licence had to be withdrawn. The grounds for this were stated as cardinal software programming errors which in several cases actually lead to a negative training effect. FMS flights in general were considered unusable due to the software’s popping up of incorrect pages. The QNH setting itsself prooved an outright catastrophe – it simply did not funtion. Support services by project magenta were also lacking, inspite of repeated posting of error reports. To my knowledge both German and Dutch authorities have so far refrained from accepting PM software for professional us by FTO‘s.

kindly yours,
Nicholas Lack

Michael Carter
03-09-2008, 01:19 PM
Unfortunately, that's about par for the course around here too. :(

Fortunately, I don't use it or need it.

03-09-2008, 06:58 PM
Sorry to hear that, and I hope things change to this respect in the near future...

James Twomey
03-10-2008, 12:47 AM
Sorry to hear that also. I really enjoy their software for the 737. Has always done right by me. Although I may not be a rated 737 pilot, I find it exceeding all my FSX enjoyment needs.

03-10-2008, 02:44 AM

The original posting is not correct on many fronts. Because I know the issues, I know the company about which this person refers but does not name. The simulator maintains MCC and IFR approvals. I do not understand the motivation for the original post, but it has been noted and sent to the company in question and we have asked what connection this person has.

Jonathan Richardson

03-10-2008, 02:53 AM
Yeah, it was an interesting way to say "hello" with a first post :)

And not 'all you folks' are that 'enthusiastic' either. Many of us appreciate PM software for what it does, but we are also aware of the bugs and things yet to be done, and don't mind saying so. Our enthusiasm is more about getting those things fixed over time and making a good product into an excellent product.

03-10-2008, 03:59 AM

I believe that the feature of PM's software at Pro Market is direct connected with our hobby feature, either we are talking about bug fixes and support or for new features and improvements.

So i wish not be true the writings in first post here, as PM works hard last months for new releases and fixes.

We can only have patience.


03-10-2008, 05:40 AM

There is a very big difference between an MCC certification and a full type-specific certification for a 737 in order to maintain a APTL course on a 737. It goes well beyond the software.

"Professional" license only means the end usage / application, not anything to do with a certain level (which there are many) that the software could / can / possibly meet. Note that the software is used in a vast range of professional applications, not just flight training.

Jonathan Richardson

Matt Olieman
03-10-2008, 11:11 AM
I'm locking this thread, because it serves no purpose to help our flight sim building community and the first post has no foundation.

I appreciate Jonathan coming in to correct the information. I will delete the thread after several days. Unless otherwise requested by Jonathan to keep it live.

Matt O.