View Full Version : Anyone around Spokane?

03-17-2008, 08:39 PM
Hi everyone,

My name is Jeff Stewart and I am an avid simmer who is thinking very strongly about starting a cockpit project.. Looking for someone in Eastern Washington State who may have some experience or a completed project..

This is a great site!!

Best Regards, Jeff

03-18-2008, 01:44 AM
I'm 100 miles north of you in southern BC (Nelson, B.C).

I think everyone here is more than happy to help you every step of the way. Just do searches on previous post or start asking questions.

03-18-2008, 09:03 PM
Hi Autocad,

Thanks for responding! I get up to Nelson every so often.. Beautiful town... Very nice area.

I am just getting started on a custom cockpit using mainly computer component parts. It will be all glass with no simulated gauges. I am looking for the best 737 throttle quadrant I can find. as well as yokes and an MCP..

The rest including the panel and console framework will be fabricated of wood. I intend to imbed two large flat monitors in the panel with two smaller monitors providing a place for the virtual FMC's, radios and other guages . I will use a projector for the outside view.

I also have seen some nice frames for the top portion of the nose clip that will add that "in cockpit" feeling. No overhead panel though as I only have so much money.. :roll:

Thanks again for responding... This site has given me a lot of good ideas.. and man there are some fine cockpits represented by members here.. What I wouldn't give to try a flight in some of the beauties posted here!;)

Thanks again, Jeff

Trevor Hale
03-18-2008, 09:18 PM
Hi Jeff,

As autocad stated. You don't need someone to help you when you have all of us. I mean really, we are here 24/7 and always can help you with everything. There is no such thing as a silly question in our Mycockpit Family.

We are like the Home Depot. You can do it and we can help.

Best regards,


03-18-2008, 09:32 PM
"We are like the Home Depot. You can do it and we can help."

That is awsome Trevor LOL

03-18-2008, 09:57 PM
Except if your name is Tony Stewart, if it is then theres a good chance you will be hitting the wall before to long :-)


03-18-2008, 09:58 PM
Actually Jeff, one of the best simulator I have ever been in was the KC-135 simulator at Fairchild Air Force Base (I was there doing my high altitude indoctrination training). I haven't been down to Spokane for years. Loved going to the "White Elephant" and eating at Swackhammers!

03-18-2008, 11:12 PM
Heh heh...small world Autocad... The White Elephant is still going strong as ever... Love that place.. anything you could ever want in there and a thousand things you don't want!! LOL

Swack's is now, and most unfortunately, a chinese buffet... Food is good though... The Cadillac is still on the roof too.. The cowboy bar is now some kind of hip hop club... not quite the same I am afraid...:roll:

Thanks for all the supportive posts from everyone.. I just bid on a projector on Ebay.. we will see what happens... Have all of the other monitors already.. I am sure I will have questions on how to get all of the monitors working at the same time..:wink:

Thanks again for the nice welcome, Jeff