View Full Version : Hello everyone

03-25-2008, 04:58 PM
Hello, I'm new.

My name is Dan and I'm from the South of England.
I think I'm going slightly crazy because I've gone from having just a few Go-Flight modules connected to my PC & 1 monitor to now building a complete 737NG flightdeck in my attic!! I think I got a bit carried away and inspired after looking at all your own projects featured here on this site!
So far I've built the MIP (desktop panels from Engravity - very, very good) into my own built cockpit shell. I'm running the excellent Project Magenta boeing software with PMDG's 737 and MSFS9. 3x PC's networked, and a projector for the view out front.
Also got Go-flight's MCP, EFIS, throttles, radios etc mounted in their flightdeck console (using it as a kind of pedestal bay).
Waiting on the InterfaceIT card from Flightdeck solutions (should be here soon) along with their landing gear unit and a load of LED's and switches - I'm dreading all that soldering!

Want to do the overhead panels next and maybe buy the Engravity CDU when I can afford it...

Will post some photos soon,

Happy flying everyone, and thanks for all the inspiration from all your projects on here!


03-25-2008, 05:23 PM
Welcome Dan,

Sounds like you are well on your way!
Admin guys run a great site here and there are loads of people willing to help.
You'll have to upload some photo's so we can see how you go on.

Bob Reed
03-25-2008, 05:40 PM
Hey Dan.. And welcome! Nice to have you here. It starts out for most of us a a few little gadgets to make flying a little more real.... And then poof.. IT is an out of control monster! Look froward to seeing your setup.....

03-25-2008, 05:47 PM
Welcome to the madhouse:D- nice to have another UK builder on board- keep an eye out on the forums as we've had one meet up recently that was a great success and are planning more this year.
look forward to seeing some pics of your setup!

PDT 200
03-25-2008, 08:01 PM
It all starts with a monitor and a joystick. Then the rudder pedals, then another monitor, a few pieces of Sim hardware are next, GoFlight FDS, PFC... and then... oh my god your hooked! Friends and family think you're nuts. The PC people and Sim stores become your best friends. Next your a frequent visitor to the many different sim forums. Your 1 step away from being committed... to the loony bin. Thats us fellow flight simmers all. (they are coming to take me away hoho haha hehe, to the funny farm where life is beautiful and the sims are already built and I'm going to fly away hoho haha hehe) Welcome to the insanity we call fun. Heck I had a 2 story 20X24 building built for the sim I'm building. Downstairs is the workshop. Upstairs will be the Regional Jet.

Trevor Hale
03-25-2008, 08:41 PM
Welcome to Mycockpit.org Dan,

That how we all start out until we get bitten but the bug. For me it was.. Honestly honey I just want to have a couple switches instead of a joystick button, and now, I have an exact scale replica.

Welcome to the madness we all call pit building...

Best regards,

Mycockpit Admin

03-25-2008, 11:38 PM
Welcome Dan from another B737 fan,

Your going down a now well trodden path and welcome to MyCockpit.org, I started my journey 3.5 years ago and my sim is nearly complete.


03-26-2008, 08:45 AM
Welcome Dan from another UK southerner.

Just like you I started with a set of pedals, then a bit of Go-Flight, and suddenly I have a pile of bits and an itching desire to build something solid to put them in...

My wife suggested I start with building a padded cell ;)

Hope you have as much fun here as I have and find lots of useful tips.

John Davis
03-26-2008, 09:06 PM
Welcome Dan ... I started my sim with a very important thing ... A Divorce !
Essential if you want to get your project to fruition :D

Best wishes John ... owber of a 4 Engined Boeing Sim !

Trevor Hale
03-27-2008, 08:47 AM
Welcome Dan ... I started my sim with a very important thing ... A Divorce !
Essential if you want to get your project to fruition :D

Best wishes John ... owner of a 4 Engined Boeing Sim !

Funny, I always heard.... "You know why Divorce is so expensive???" "Because it's worth it "


Michael Carter
03-27-2008, 09:34 AM
Welcome Dan ... I started my sim with a very important thing ... A Divorce !
Essential if you want to get your project to fruition :D

Best wishes John ... owber of a 4 Engined Boeing Sim !

I can't argue with that! ;)

03-27-2008, 10:52 AM
Funny, I always heard.... "You know why Divorce is so expensive???" "Because it's worth it "


Haa! You guys crack me up!

Welcome Dan but it sounds like many of us could take some advice from you?



03-29-2008, 04:57 PM
Hello again,

As promised, here's some photo's of progress so far:
- MIP (from Engravity), side walls, CDU bay, overhead and window bits are all built - lots of MDF! - still needs finishing and painting properly.
- TFT monitors are temporarily in place behind the MIP.
- LED strips are in place for flood lighting of MIP.

The Flightdeck Solutions Sys3 InterfaceIt board arrived this week, so I've started the epic task of soldering all those LED's and switches!! The board is SO easy to use and configure, I highly recommend it to anyone. Literally minutes after plugging the board into my PC I had my first LED up and running, it's superb!

Will post more photo's soon, once I've got all the switches and LED's in.
