View Full Version : How to get smooth axis movements???

04-08-2008, 05:56 PM
Hi all,

I want to get a smoother, yet nice reaction to yoke inputs. I don't want a fighter type responce to 737 roll or pitch and yaw. I roll, and I want a smooth, rolling type responce.

I know there is the flight model file and the aircraft file. What's the diff? Is the flight model just the plane itselfs flight dynamics and the aircraft one is more related to how FS2004 will fly the plane?

Anyway, I lost my file that allowed me to edit the flight model, so can I do it in the aircraft file? If yes, what area would I go to in there and what changes do I make.

If I can only do this in the flight model file, where and what would I do and I guess I will have to find my flight model file editor. Anyone have a suggestion on a good one that I can download?


04-08-2008, 06:12 PM
The Kittyhawk 737 by Westwind has a great flight model.



Michael Carter
04-08-2008, 07:01 PM
Editing the .air file is a lot like editing a computers' registry. If you don't know what you're doing strange things can happen to the flight model.

Everything in the .air file is related to and reacts with another entry. I'm not sure how to put that into words. In many cases if you alter one parameter, unexpected results can happen in another. You are fooling with the flight dynamics of the aircraft in this file. You get to play aerodynamic engineer.

Decrease the pitch moment or increase the elevator area, or a hundred other things, could lead to disaster in the flight model.

I've fooled around with engine parameters on the freeware 727 models with success. The engines spooled much too slowly and I got them up to a realistic level. Then the fuel flow increased disproportionately. I don't know how programmers do it. I really don't. :?:

I accepted the increased fuel flow for a more realistic spool-up and compensated with more fuel loading.

Lottsa luck to ya.

04-08-2008, 08:30 PM
I purchased AirWrench http://www.mudpond.org/AirWrench_main.htm to try and fix a Dash 8-400''s flight dynamics. Gave up after lots of headaches, so I can agree with what BSW said.

However, since AirWrench only costs $18.00, not a huge loss and I did learn some about the .air file.

And Jerry Beckwith provides excellent customer support.

P.S. Not sure which a/c you fly in FS9 but for me the best freeware flight dynamics belong to Project Fokker.

04-09-2008, 12:19 AM
The Kittyhawk 737 by Westwind is not the greatest. I remember now that I had it and just loaded again their 737-800, yet you get a 700. Rolls back to level to fast in turns, and on landing in a 16k wind, it flys out of control right near the runway, so as to make recovery impossible. Others have mention the same.

I bring up zoom as I saw on another post that POV graph that one can use to set zoom based on LCD size and dist from eye to screen. That thing needs work also. I took my sizes and got 2.10 to use for zoom. Well on takeoff one hardly feels like one is moving and pitch up is 20x faster on climb. I think it has to do with the fact that its zoomed to much. And on landing, the runway is right on your face and even the ILS seems off, but on landing, again it hardly seems like your moving. Very strange. I backed off zoom and will play with that.

Any thoughts on any of this will be noted.


04-09-2008, 03:47 PM
Another item to look at which is often overlooked is your mechanical set-up. Most installs are not getting full resolution of the pots plus most pots used are noisey and cheap!

If you want really smooth inputs, measure your total throw distance, pony-up and by some string pots. You'll never regret it!