View Full Version : 737 Tiller for F/O Help :o)

04-11-2008, 11:57 AM
hi guys.....
i've fitted the second steering tiller in the F/O position and can't for the life of me find out which way it steers.
the capt's was easy to find out about - forward for right and backward for left. but i cannot find any steering information for the first officers tiller.
i have tried it both ways and it feels much more natural the opposite way round from the captain's.
any body out there know which way the F/O tiller steers?
boeing offer the tiller on both sides as an option and i know KLM have had 400's and 800's delivered with them fitted, so any KLM engineers reading?
any pointers appreciatted because i'd like to put this to bed this weekend.
thanks guys and regards from wales..... ian

04-11-2008, 03:45 PM
Hi Ian,

I might be dumb, but on my ERJ (Capt side) the tiller turns left for left and vice versa - this was checked by a qualified engineer. Doesnt the 737 do the same?

(Not that I know anything about 737s) :)

04-11-2008, 10:29 PM
Hi Ian,

Handle up for left, down for right...


04-12-2008, 02:20 PM
Hmm..Wasn't aware that the FO had a tiller. But you can do what you want I guess.

04-12-2008, 08:56 PM
Hmm..Wasn't aware that the FO had a tiller. But you can do what you want I guess.

It's available as an option on the NG!


04-13-2008, 08:56 AM
"Handle up for left, down for right..."

Looks like I need conversion to the 737 before making comments!

Meanwhile - viva the JungleJet!8)

04-13-2008, 11:03 AM
hi guys.....
ok, we managed to get to the bottom of this :o)
yes the 737 (400's to 900's) are available with a Tiller at the F/O position. pics below to prove it.
operation is opposite to captains tiller. capt is forward for right, back for left and the F/O
is back for right turns and forward for left.
so that's put this one to bed. thanks to everybody who chipped in and for advice.
have a great week
regards from wales..... ian

04-13-2008, 04:51 PM

Moments ago, I just stepped out of a KLM B737-800 which has just arrived into the KLM Hangar for Modifications of placing the Cockpit Door Video Camera. Reason they are tearing apart the cockpit of the Brand new B737 is that if Boeing makes the Modification for the Video camera for the Cockpit...it would cost something in the region of USD 1 million....hence doing it in the KLM facilities of a KLM aircraft costs less. Its a 3 day mod.

Coming back to the Steering tiller, ...yes, confirm that it does have it in the B737NG-800 and the easiest way to think of the way the tiller operates is that you think of it looking at the center of the tiller pivot point and then moving clockwise is moving the nosewheels right and moving counter clockwise is moving the nosewheels to the left. ...somewhat like how you look at the hands of the clock.....but in the case of the tiller, since its positioned in the way it is could cause some confusion. But if you stick to the pivot point , then the clockwise / counter-clockwise rule applies...


04-13-2008, 06:29 PM
Like how you have described it Chris - like a clock - been wondering about this over the w/e, its like the pedal question a while back!

04-14-2008, 02:24 AM
Top Man Chris....
when i originally wired it up, it somehow just felt more natural truning it as you describe. i have had an e-mail in from a colleague in Amsterdam telling me basically that i had got it right. however you being 'on the job' so to speak have totally confirmed it for me. thanks very much for your input and confirmation.
i'm off now, not to fly the 737, but to drive it around Schipol to check both tillers and get them working exactly the same.
you have a great day sir and thanks again....

04-14-2008, 05:15 AM
No worries mate....glad to help.

Would love to fly over to the UK and have a visit to your sim. I have been following your website closely for any changes as I think you have been very inovative in building your sim with as few PC's and parts as possible.

I'm currently in Amsterdam for a KLM B777 mechanical course for 3 months and constantly browse this forum and also your website to give me more ideas for my sim so that I dont get bored here........:roll:


04-14-2008, 07:32 AM

If interested I have a Maintenance Manual extract of the steering system inspection of the B737NG Nosewheel Steering System attached here....

If you need more, let me know.
