View Full Version : Hi...

04-19-2008, 06:09 PM
Hi guys, well I'm new here... in fact I'm new to MSFS as well.
I'm a retired engineering software developer mainly in Assembler and some C++
Looking forward to having fun with the interfacing of motion detection stuff etc.
Cockpit design also sounds a good idea but we have a way to go there :rolleyes:

Bob Reed
04-19-2008, 06:28 PM
Welcome and enjoy your stay! Sounds like you will be keeping yourself pretty busy!!

04-19-2008, 06:30 PM
Welcome Joe,
And by the sounds of your credentials lol we'll be coming to you for help probably sooner than you coming to us :) Anything that we can do just holla :) and if its Boeing :) Don't ask me lol


Trevor Hale
04-19-2008, 11:56 PM
Hi Joe,

as Tim said, we can all learn from each other, Welcome to MyCockpit.org. If you see anything you want to learn about please let us know.

If your really into interfacing and software, you may want to start your exploration by going to http://www.phidgets.com

This is the link to a very common interface product that many of use for our cockpits, and they have a multitude of interface products you can use for your projects as well.

Best regards,


04-20-2008, 03:55 AM
Hi Joe,

Welcome to MCP!
I have to agree that Phidgets is a great place to start for someone with your skills. I used to write in Assembler, COBOL, FORTRAN and of course.... Basic. But that was many moons ago.

Just recently, Alan Dyer offered up his source code to us to play with as we choose but to be honest, I think I'd rather start fresh. That will allow the new project to be built on a wholly new foundation codewise.

MS FSX has a new communication engine also (simconnect) and along with the SDK, it is my understanding that it should be easier than ever to write a very nice peice of interface software.

I had something that functioned like the GoFlight software in mind. Choose a button and assign a function to it.

I had started on this but work still gets in my way every monday thru friday and I could use some help from someone like you. Plenty of time and the skill set needed to get it done.

Again, let me say Welcome! (Bet you never thought you'd get recruited right off the bat..)

04-20-2008, 04:48 AM
Thanks for the welcome guys.
Well I hope I can also make some contribution as some here I see have already gone leaps and bounds :)
I've been looking and reading for a month or 2 now and so far have created a C++ program to interface with Russel Dirks FSConnect.dll in FS2004 just to see what happens with the various Pitch, Bank and other parameters and so far seems to work quite well.
I have also figured a way to output directly to comport, or a USB port although the latter needs some work as it seems USB is a glorified RS485 with 128 byte overhead, but we'll work on it :)
I also plan to mess with touch screen technology for cockpit control rather than direct hardware as that kinda limits you somewhat.
Thanks on the link... Phidgets is a interesting site.
Hey Andy, seems like you almost from my time.
Yes I fiddled a bit with the SimConnect in FSX Deluxe but to be honest with you I have problems with the general interfacing into FSX and have currently shelved everything to do with FSX and have rather spent my time on FS2004 which seems MUCH more user friendly in my book.
Although every magazine and site promotes FSX, it seems to me like another Vista which M$ spend $M100's promoting to get it off the ground.
FSX was released in 2006 and compared to FS2004, has gone nowhere, anyway thats just my 2c opinion.
Btw Andy if you drilled a hole straight down in your property it would exit in mine :D

04-20-2008, 05:01 AM
South Afreeka huh? (I know I know.. bad joke, could'nt resist...);)

Yes, FSX has some quirks FS9 does'nt have but overall...

To be honest, I have not made time to work on the software becuse there will be massive changes in FS Next Version and I'm kinda waiting for that to come out. From what I've read already, it's going to be MUCH different. Hopefully they trash everything that came before and completely rewrite the core.

Ok, enough on the next one...

What to do about the current one.
Just gotta get the gumption to get to it.

Oh, and I began by writing all my code in Hex and typing it into the punchcards. Ask a modern-day programmer what that is and he'll ask if you had your meds today. I recall thinking when APL came out that it was too restrictive... :D

Touch screens are a pretty simple way to go even now. you just need to get the hardware. It's all OS Driven.

04-20-2008, 05:24 AM
LOL... I see you have a good understanding about this neck of the woods :D
From what I understand the next FS will be FS2004 and FSX compatible but will only be released in 2011.
M$ have in the meanwhile put their FS Engine out for sale to other vendors to use and make their own FS's etc.
I'll see if I can find the links to this info as I remember reading it some time back.
Btw Tim, you safe with the Boeings as I'm a single seater guy and fly by the seat of my pants as I dont trust these computer boffs :D

04-20-2008, 05:53 AM
Another GA builder, YES! About time!

There are very few of us small plane types in here. But we tolerate the Boing Boingers and the Scarebus drivers anyway....

(Just kidding guys! you know we still take a tube to cross the pond!)

I know about the new MS engine for sale. Its called ESP or something like that.
When they have a cheap version (as in free) I'll be interested in looking at it.

Anyway, off to bed with me, I have to run a guitar class for church tomorrow.

Tracy Hale
04-20-2008, 09:22 PM
Joe, welcome to MyCockpit.org! :D

Joe Cygan
04-20-2008, 09:55 PM
Hi Joe,
