View Full Version : Hello from Holland!

04-24-2008, 02:56 PM
As a new member to this forum I would like to introduce myself and tell you all a little about what we are working on.

Having used MS flight simulator since it was first introduced, I always had the dream to build a full size cockpit.
Due to lack of funds, never really started.
Now that I found a fellow enthusiast (my girlfriends dad!) we are making more serious plans.

Have bought some powerfull PC's + TFT touch screens, a projector, software like WideFS / FSUIPC and some nice add on scenery, we are ready to take the next step...

Anyone had that same feeling of what you should start investing on first...
Magenta, MCP, Full size panel, etc. there is too much to choose from :(
Any advise from someone maybe?


Trevor Hale
04-24-2008, 03:12 PM
Welcome to MyCockpit.org Benno,

Glad to have you hear. there are many many things that you should get first.

What I would do is evaluate a time line and see where you want to be in the coming weeks. It is important to be able to fly while your building, otherwise you could loose interest. Take that advice, and If you have the PC's I would start with CPflight MCP/EFIS and PM Software.

Most important indeed. Let us see pictures as you move forward, and we will talk to you soon.

Best regards,


04-24-2008, 03:14 PM
Hi and welcome :)

First purchase is a tricky one, personally I went for controls as this is what you touch all the time you fly. However I think the best advice would be to hold off buying anything until you have a plan... and getting to the plan is the hard (but fun) bit.

Have you decided which aircraft you want to build, or are you going for a generic pit?

Tracy Hale
04-24-2008, 04:43 PM
Benno, welcome to Mycockpit.org! :D

07-23-2008, 02:00 PM
Hi everyone!

Haven't posted in a while, but with a good reason...
In the last few weeks we have started to build out our initial setup of what eventually will become a 1:1 cockpit of a 737NG.

Taking the advise from the forum, we have bought:
-Project Magenta Glass Cockpit
-CP Flight 737Pro MCP and EFIS
-CP Flight nav module
-A new FSX Visual PC
-Matrox Triple Head to GO

In backorder, but on the way are:
-Engravity MIP, MIP stand and some instruments :)

Getting the software configured and working is quite a job, but we need to take the time here.
Currently working on the MCP configuration, there are still some hick-ups with getting the Heading select to work properly.
Anyone interested in stories and pictures: www.b737sim.nl
