View Full Version : Glass Flight Deck 737NG Suite

05-05-2008, 11:39 AM
For the 737 cockpit builders, check this out:



Matt Olieman
05-05-2008, 12:13 PM
Interesting, but who are they, how long have they been working on this? Where are they located? Any specifics what works and doesn't? I noticed they're still working on LNAV.

Love to hear more about this :)

Georg Schneider
05-05-2008, 12:28 PM
:DHi Henry !

Thank you very much for sharing this good link with us!

It`s time for some new Glass Software;-)

I mailed em for combatibility with SIOC/FSUIPC/Opencockpits Modules!

Lets see what they are saying !:D I`m nervous!!!!!!:cool:



05-05-2008, 10:42 PM
Interesting, This could be good, I have Email them with a few questions and invited them over to this site to have a chat with us. Hopefully they take up the invitation


Georg Schneider
05-06-2008, 03:05 AM
Hi guys!

I got some answers from them!

The software is combatible with fsuipc/widefs and uses all the offsets described in fsuipc offset list.

I`m looking forward to beta test it:)

So far

Greetings Georg

05-06-2008, 06:43 AM
This looks really good, hope it will be a bid cheaper so everyone can afford it. But what I saw on the page looks very promising.

Keep up the good work, hope to see a demo soon.

Cheers Norbert

Georg Schneider
05-06-2008, 01:40 PM
Hi guys !

I applied for a betatester and got the software today.
Later this evening and tomorrow i will do the first installs.

Await some news the next days how everythings going:D

Greetings Georg

Georg Schneider
05-06-2008, 02:24 PM
Ok! I have some news right now:D

The software is done like PM with a bit better approach.

You have 1x .exe file for PFD/ND installable on 1 or 2 PC`s
for Pilot and CO.Fully custumable with .xml file
All modes are managed also panelswitching for EICAS and PFD/ND.

You have one .exe file for MCP/EFIS connectable to hardware mcp
installable on every pc in network and managed by fsuipc offsets
also there is a special mcp with panellike display like PM for those without hardware.

You have a server.exe installable on every pc in network where
no configs has to be made.
When you start this server the whole cockpit comes alive!:DGenius!!!

The PFD/ND/Eicas is located in one .exe file and you can switch options on and of for your needings.

A list with fsuipc offsets is applied.
Betatest runs till May 18th

Also you get a CDU .exe like PM fully custumable and compatible with engravity cdu.
You can custumize gauge display to only see black screen without surroundings:smile:

So thets for it right now!
More to come when everything is setup in my pit:rolleyes:

Greetings George

Georg Schneider
05-12-2008, 04:57 PM
Hi all !

I have some news from testing !

The flightdecksoftware works really good!
The FMC is better than the PMDG one and works flawlessly.

I tested the Captain PFD/ND and EICAS on a Celeron 2,8Ghz/1GBram/Geforce6200 256mb
with a 19"lg widescreen and a Nec 15"lcd in horizontal span mode.

and i have had no perf. issues.

If you want to you can display all gauges on 1PC with multiple screens.

Currently i`m working on the SIOC script for the MCP/EFIS which is right now 80% functioning.

I added some new pics to my HP !

Here is the link to my gallerie:

Have fun:)

Thats all right now from the testlab;)

Greetings Georg