View Full Version : It's All Go! Big Announcement

Lewis Simmons
05-15-2008, 05:45 AM
Well I said a month or so ago that I had a big announcement and today is the day that I can release it.

After the large space had been found hiding in the jungle behind my house, I have drawn many plans and found space for up to FOUR fixed base simulators or TWO full motion simulators and TWO fixed base simulators.

So the plan is in the long run to achieve this and I do think it is possible with the support I have here.

The list of aircraft are:

Boeing 787
Boeing 747
Boeing 777
Airbus A380

Your thoughts and comments are welcome!

More info to come tomorrow, you will want to see it!

05-15-2008, 05:56 AM
OMG. That sounds awesome! Good luck and I look forward to progress pictures.

So, you are obviously a distant relative of Howard Hughes or perhaps Kerry Packer left you a little something in his will???


05-15-2008, 06:48 AM
Out of curiousity Lewis have you thought about how your going to pay for all those? I own several companies and make a good living and have my hands full with 1 A340 and a f15 in the works. All I can say WOW thats a big sandwich to take a bite out of let alone eat. Good luck tho


05-15-2008, 11:40 AM

Thought I was nuts building 2 sims but 4!!, good luck bro, give us a call when you need some more help.

Joe Cygan
05-15-2008, 12:13 PM

Lewis you are my new hero and……..


Looking forward to seeing your progress.

05-15-2008, 01:41 PM
WOW 4 must be not married or recently divorced............

Thats awesome however you manage it, good luck with building and of course keep us posted.

Tracy Hale
05-15-2008, 02:05 PM
WOW 4 must be not married or recently divorced............

if he was recently divorced, he wouldn't be able to have one :lol:

05-15-2008, 02:14 PM

Lewis you are my new hero and……..


Looking forward to seeing your progress.

Love it!! we should have it engraved and have it as an annual award:p

Lewis Simmons
05-15-2008, 02:20 PM
Now who can work with 3D programs really well and have machinery to do that...hmmm...anyone?;)

Matt Olieman
05-15-2008, 02:28 PM
if he was recently divorced, he wouldn't be able to have one :lol:

You're right Tracy, he wouldn't be able to afford it, after paying alimony :)

05-15-2008, 03:50 PM
I guess to me the crazy thing is Lewis is only like 14-15 years old so 1 sim would be a major challenge for him because its a major chalenge for most of us who are fully completed our educations and careers under our belts family settled etc, but he wants to do 4 WOW! thats a serious heavy workload unless you have huge $$ and a full staff to do all the work I guess. Im pretty sure that Lewis is doing it all most himself tho so I think its a great dream and wish him luck. Sorry for the skeptisism but I guess after knowing what it truly takes to build 1 sim I guess I just have to see it happen to understand how its possible. I truly hope it works out Lewis.


05-15-2008, 04:13 PM
14-15 yrs old?

Lewis come clean your not selling drugs to classmates now are you?:p

LOL 4 sims is a workload and I'm going with a simple military style generic helo/jet pit. I think I need to take notes from this kid!

05-15-2008, 04:16 PM
QF-347's response says it all :-)


Just remember that people spend a lot of time, effort and thought giving answers to posts.......



My A320 website: www.sugden.karoo.net

Trevor Hale
05-15-2008, 04:34 PM
Good Luck Lewis..

Congrats, and keep us posted on your progress.

05-15-2008, 04:53 PM
QF-347's response says it all :-)


Just remember that people spend a lot of time, effort and thought giving answers to posts.......



My A320 website: www.sugden.karoo.net

Darren... ROTFLMFAO << I put alot of time , effort and thought into this response :):) :) :) well ok not effort :)


05-15-2008, 05:22 PM
Hrrrm, I want a jungle hiding behind my house too. My largest stubling block is I want a machine shop and a simpit building. ;)

05-15-2008, 06:23 PM

Your first post in the FDS forum was in Feb 11, 2007 and this is what you asked:

I'm looking at purchasing a 777 single seat training device and I would like some help please. What type of screens do I need for the monitors? Do I need the pedestal with all the ATC stuff? Do I need the overhead panel? What software do I need to make everything work?

Now, more than a year later you have a jungle in your backyard where you want to build 4 large simulators :roll: including perhaps 2 full motion ones :shock::shock:.

Pardon us for being a bit skeptical here, but I think you really need to buy a few switches and interface them to FS9 on a single PC and then decide how far you want to go with this. Obviously you either do not have the faintest idea about what is involved or this just a prank that you laugh about with your friends as you test how far you can carry this charade.

You keep asking meaningless questions which lead to nothing over & over since you must have changed your mind at least a dozen times since then and you still have nothing to show. Isn't it time you had a bowel movement or got off the pot?

I know and everyone here knows that choosing what you want to build is a tough decision, but at some point you must decide, start or quit fooling yourself. At the rate at which you are progressing, you will be an octogenarian before your first sim comes to life, unless of course you have enough money to write a big check to CAE. in which case you definitely would have the last laugh.


Matt Olieman
05-15-2008, 06:51 PM
Alright guys, enough is enough. Beating up on a 14 year old, is not OK in my book. I've looked at his posts in the past here and there. Lewis is courteous and helpful, yes and has lot's of questions. AND I'm glad he's here asking them rather then out in the streets on drugs.

More power to Lewis if he accomplishes what says he going to do. If not, keep dreaming, because that's what us old farts did, long before we started building our dream machines. So Lewis don't give up!!!!

Matt Olieman

Joe Cygan
05-15-2008, 06:57 PM
Alright guys, enough is enough. Beating up on a 14 year old, is not OK in my book. I've looked at his posts in the past here and there. Lewis is courteous and helpful, yes and has lot's of questions. AND I'm glad he's here asking them rather then out in the streets on drugs.

More power to Lewis if he accomplishes what says he going to do. If not, keep dreaming, because that's what us old farts did, long before we started building our dream machines. So Lewis don't give up!!!!

Matt Olieman

I would have to agree with Matt here.

I have had endless conversation with Lewis and I find him to be a very ambitious about flight sim. I think when he makes his move he will probably blow a lot of us out of the water.

More power to ya Lewis and like I have said never hesitate to call me if I can help.

05-15-2008, 07:40 PM
Nobody is questioning Lewis' ambition here. In fact, from the looks of it, he's got more ambition than the entire forum membership. Advising him to get started is way different than telling him to give up.

I don't think encouraging him to keep dreaming is doing him any favour. The only encouragement he needs is to actually start doing something and learn something useful in the process, because we all know there is a steep learning curve ahead.

Sometimes a little slap in the behind is better than empty words of encouragement imho. If it wasn't for my wife's little 'slaps' now & then, I would still be a couch potato. Oh how I miss those couch days! :roll: :D


Tracy Hale
05-15-2008, 07:48 PM
You keep asking meaningless questions which lead to nothing over & over since you must have changed your mind at least a dozen times since then and you still have nothing to show. Isn't it time you had a bowel movement or got off the pot?

Since some men put their "2 cents" in the wives section I figured I'd put in mine...and it helps that I'm Director of H.R. ;)

I think the above quote is what is a little discouraging. Who are we to judge whether he can do it or not. Dreams are good. Sometimes they turn out, sometimes they don't.

I dream of having a million dollars in my bank account but that is more than likely one dream that won't come true....especially with all those "$58" items that land in my home.

I wish Lewis all the luck in the world if he can pull this off. He will have trying times and he will have awesome rewarding times. Lord knows I've heard a few colorful words coming from my basement some days :roll:

I was under the impression that MyCockpit.org was a site that all sim enthusiast can come and share, ask for help, pick each other's brains etc. "Support" is a very good word that should be used :mrgreen:

05-15-2008, 08:03 PM
I was under the impression that MyCockpit.org was a site that all sim enthusiast can come and share, ask for help, pick each other's brains etc. "Support" is a very good word that should be used :mrgreen:

You are absolutely correct. But so is a reality check useful now & then don't you think? Would you encourage someone to jump off a cliff because they think they can fly?


Tracy Hale
05-15-2008, 08:05 PM
You are absolutely correct. But so is a reality check useful now & then don't you think? Would you encourage someone to jump off a cliff because they think they can fly?


If someone is stupid enough to jump off a cliff, who am I to stop them :lol:

05-15-2008, 08:16 PM
I don't think encouraging him to keep dreaming is doing him any favour. The only encouragement he needs is to actually start doing something and learn something useful in the process, because we all know there is a steep learning curve ahead.


Actually to encourage him to dream is the best thing... Since I was 8 years old I dreamt about flying Airliners... Grew up with it... And now I am flying an A-320! If this kid wants to build 10 sims we should encourage him but I don´t think you get nothing positive out of being quoting old posts from him... or even being skeptical about it... The point is I don´t care if he has the money or not... if he is going to acomplish it or not.. What we should care about is helping him out!



05-15-2008, 08:19 PM
If someone is stupid enough to jump off a cliff, who am I to stop them :lol:

Yeah, but I'm sure your conscience would bother you if you did nothing to prevent it ;)

Lewis is very likely to build or buy something sooner or later. Giving him a little push is the best thing we can do for him right now. Once he starts, I'm sure he will get all the help he needs to build at least one of his dreams.


05-15-2008, 08:51 PM
What we should care about is helping him out!



If helping him out is telling him to go for it when everyone here really thinks this is a pipe dream despite what they say publicly, then I'm guilty of being a dream killer. And yes, I do know that big dreams sometimes lead to big accomplishments, but only if there is follow-up action.

Sorry Lewis, but I know that if you really want to accomplish your dream, you need to get started. Telling you anything else is dishonest at best in my opinion.

Maurice (I think I've said enough about this subject)

05-15-2008, 11:11 PM
Ok I really got to say this if I get booted well so be it.
I like Lewis and i think hes a really good kid with a great mind and fantastic attitude. Do I agree with Matt about better than being in the streets etc..absolutely 100%
do i want to discourage him from being here or building or dreaming NOT A CHANCE!
Also Tracy I thought what you said about us putting our two cents inyour little area of forums so you should be able to in ours was not only very funny but very true :) and I always enjoy the ladies comments because most times they lend a different perspective than what we males tend to see from which is definitely refreshing. Am I being politically correct and stepping lightly in this post! **** No , I am me 100% of the time, so rest assured when i speak its from the heart and my guts.
Now I think to set your sights and start envisioning 4 sim 2 motion 2 not etc and 2 of those being A/C that are not even close to being in the sim world yet due to how incredibly new in the real aviation world. 5 years from now maybe who knows but not right now, so is it wrong for Lewis to dream of doing them? Absolutely Not! So in that respect I agree with Trev, Joe, Matt Tracy etc but... and this is a big BUT!
This young man has been attempting to build a sim of any kind for a while now 737 777 747 etc etc 900 NG 800G 380 etc the list goes on so is he guilty of being a useless waste of our time? NO hes guilty of indecision as all of us were at one time.And here comes the But
..and ill adress this respectfully to Lewis so he doesnt feel like a little kid in an all adult forum that are making decisions for him as if he doesnt count or his opinion doesnt matter because ndeed he does and it does.

Lewis, you are a very enthusistic builder with a great dream to own a wonderful personally built sim the same as the rest of us and that in itself is admirable and terrific. However to really be able to answer alot of the questions you ask requires that actual hands on experience that you so far have failed to accomplish. Now that said this is my recommendation to you, pick only 1 of those 4 sim types, map out everything it takes to built it. Once you have done that start building the framework and make some essential purchases. Ok once that is done open a forum thread and show us what you have done and have a well thought out list of no more than 5 questions that directly pertain to your next bilding steps only and we will bust our balls to help you answer them. If you truly want to gain your peers respect and have us feel that your questions are being helpful to your sim advancement is on the right track. Now im not saying you must obtain our approval or our respect or admiration Im simply saying it will most beneficial if you do to some degree. I do agree with Maurice whole heartedly with the fact you need to put screwdriver to screw hand to saw and dollar to seller and start making it happen if not for anyone but yourself. Talking will not make your sim get built, practice, $$$ , mistakes, TIME, effort, sweat, tears etc makes it happen. So all Maurice is saying is if you want a sim build it if allm, ya want to do is become a knowledge bank of info on sims but have none then dont build it. I hope you understand Lewis noone here dislikes you or thinks your stupid but I do think that your mouth is writing checks your butt cant cash./ So build the base of 1 and well check in on ya then.your posts are always welcome and what help you offer appreciated by all Lewis, but talk less build more and your sim will be a reality before ya know it.

My 2 cents that turned into $1.83


05-15-2008, 11:24 PM
I'm definitely not one to rain on anyone's parade, but whatever you do, build them portible. In a few years you're not going to want to live with the parents much longer. ;)

Joe Cygan
05-15-2008, 11:57 PM
I can’t help but think that Lewis is a very young adult whom reminds me of myself when I was his age. As adults I think we need to accommodate his interests and keep the future flight sim builders hooked so this great hobby continues to endure.

My next comment is purely funny and is not to be taken seriously. To all the opposition here I can not help but hear the over tones of Top Gun the motion picture, “Maveric your holding on too tight”.

05-16-2008, 12:44 AM
Having just read this thread and finding out your age I would like to offer something else to think about. I will only keep this short.

I totally understand your love for flight and your desire to build the best simulators possible but I encourage you to build small at this time in your life.

Your still only young so what you do now lays the foundations for the rest of your life. In todays world now more than ever is a strong foundation nessessary.
Right now you should be focusing more on what you want to do for as a career and working towards that. Your only a few years from graduating high school and your results will dictate the choices your have as a career.

As Im sure you know, most of us here were already well established in our careers before we began our simulators.

I know I sound like a parent and I dont mean to be, But my advice is to get your best friends together, Build the best damn sim you guys can, But also keep a strong focus on were you want to be in 10 years time. Believe me it will be worth it.


Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 12:54 AM
Shock horror all of the above. Just got home and read this all!

I have some pics that you might want to see

Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 01:15 AM
You know people have dreams for a reason, so they can live them.

Well I'm back and I think you might want to see this.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the unbelievable, magnificent and dare I say perfect work of Philip Lambert (phil744). His panels are fantastic and his service is immaculate. Really amazing stuff!

The pictures are bad quality sorry, took them with the phone since I was in such a rush to stop the 'comments'.

A full Boeing 787 MCP with EFIS plus a Boeing 744 EFIS. And believe me, these panels are as real as they come unless you buy an aircraft!


05-16-2008, 02:10 AM
Put that in your engine and light it, naysayers.:D

05-16-2008, 02:24 AM
Aker and that person is :)? please don't leave us in suspense. lewis thats great Phil made those panels for you he indeed is a terrific builder and a great guy. So instead of taking all the wonderful compliments and kind remarks about you and to you and turning them into a reason to be negative realize they were good things and complimentary things and positive things. how in the world did you manage to get all bent out of shape over that? All we are doing i encouraging you to fullfill your dream and your small panel purchase is a good start. So chill and re read everything I said and then rethink your response. I said nice things, Matt, Tracy, Trev, Maurice alot of ppl. Anyway good luck


05-16-2008, 03:23 AM
Ahh, you're right I shouldn't have said what I said. Will edit, later. This is no place for negativity, sorry.

05-16-2008, 03:27 AM
What an amazing thread! :roll:

Negativity? Bashing?... what nonsense. Maurice and Tim are two of the most long-serving and respected builders in this game... the sort of guys I looked up to and learned from when I was in the dream stage a few years back, and still do. They have been there, done that. If they take the time to offer some constructive criticism and advice then it should be appreciated and considered, not smirked at.

I agree - young builders, all builders, need all the encouragement they can get, and yes we all need to dream and go after that dream.. thats half the fun. But if all we do here is cheer and smile then we're not being honest nor truly helpful. It is possible to be encouraging and provide some direction and advice (based from experience) at the SAME time.. and that's all I see has happened here. Respect goes both ways folks.

"King of sims" ... might be a nice idea. My suggestion though is that the first criteria for the award be "Has completed a simulator". ;)

Lewis - all the best with your dream and your project, I wish you every success.

Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 03:50 AM
What an amazing thread! :roll:

I'd say! Why does this sort of stuff always happen to my threads! I think I know why...

Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 04:33 AM
By the way thanks everyone for everything in this forum. No one is being negative, its just help comes in many different ways and forms and we prefer some over the others but we have to accept it all in every form.

05-16-2008, 04:35 AM
Awwwwww Nic,
I think Im gonna have a cry ;) NOT!! lol but thanks mate for that sincere comment about me and the old crotchety Boeing Man over there lol As far as looking up to anyone grrrrrrrrrr Im still trying to copy your visual system LMAO and Im still waiting for my promised FREE!!!! copy of the paperless cockpit gadget I was promised! lol seriously nic thanks for the words mate and *wipes his eyes* Dont forget to send my damn program lol

King OF Sims title requires Sim to be completed WAaaaaaaaaaaaa that leaves me out this dang this will never be it seems lol
your mate in Canada *the young Airbus one ;)*'


05-16-2008, 04:38 AM


By the way thanks everyone for everything in this forum. No one is being negative, its just help comes in many different ways and forms and we prefer some over the others but we have to accept it all in every form.

05-16-2008, 07:27 AM
:oops::oops:Tim, please stop being nice to me. I can't keep bashing you if you don't hit back :roll: :D

Anyway, some people see negativity when constructive criticism is given, others see it as a friendly push in the right direction. I'm 150% sure that nobody who has ever built a full scale simulator or even a desktop simulator would ever discourage someone else with the same passion from doing the same.
Misery likes company and if I have to suffer building this contraption, I want others to suffer as well ;) :D:D


Joe Cygan
05-16-2008, 09:57 AM
You know people have dreams for a reason, so they can live them.

Well I'm back and I think you might want to see this.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the unbelievable, magnificent and dare I say perfect work of Philip Lambert (phil744). His panels are fantastic and his service is immaculate. Really amazing stuff!

The pictures are bad quality sorry, took them with the phone since I was in such a rush to stop the 'comments'.

A full Boeing 787 MCP with EFIS plus a Boeing 744 EFIS. And believe me, these panels are as real as they come unless you buy an aircraft!


Way to go Lewis, those panels look great!

05-16-2008, 04:18 PM
Well done Lewis!

and I'm glad everyone is friends again (well, with some exceptions:evil:)

I for one wanted to jump in at the third post, but, having witnessed previous similar events, pressed my own "pause" button, and waited 24 hrs before looking again, and 72hrs before replying.

This is a great hobby (walks downstairs and kicks MDF tube and PM Systems again:(), and we all learn a great deal from each other, but sometimes we need reminding this a public place, although owned by individuals, and as ever, the English language is open to many interpretations, and sometimes it depends on which end of the tube you are sitting at to get the meaning.

I for one visit a couple of times a day, and am fascinated by both the quality and the wealth of information available, and the great atmosphere amongst the members of mycockpit.org

And after all, its much easier surfing than on my laptop than doing battle with the numerous beasts in my garage, and trying to get the Terrain and WXR working, and, and, and...

Lets keep up the great "cameraderie" here, for all new and old - and for the new - read the reply twice before jumping to the "Reply" button:D

05-16-2008, 09:46 PM
Lewis, That's great, but why those 4 planes?
Why not a GA, a meduim Twin, a smaller jet, (CRJ maybe) and a large tube (737, 747...) ??

Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 09:50 PM
The planes I love the most. Im not into the smaller stuff, something about the big ones just makes me love it.

05-16-2008, 10:42 PM
Thank goodness we all can get along - Joe may have had to pull the Bunny out had the situation gone critical!! And we DON'T want that!!

Ain't flight simming fun!! Back to scrapping up my knee's and knuckles cutting out miles of wiring harnesses in my 74. The good news is I think the scrap value of the wire will more than pay for the cost of the cockpits!! Then I will need to factor in the loss of fingers, skin, fractures, and tetnus - It's all worth it so back to having fun!

It is funny Tim, but my Airbus cockpit has Yokes!! What should I do as a Boeing/Airbus guy??

Lewis, the 78 Rocks - I had the opportunity back in March to fly the 78 FBT from Boeing and the cockpit is very very cool and the avionics are incredible. Good Luck!

Joe Cygan
05-16-2008, 10:48 PM
Thank goodness we all can get along - Joe may have had to pull the Bunny out had the situation gone critical!! And we DON'T want that!!

LOL, Good one, great to hear from you my friend!

I made you this. (You may have to click on image below to get full affects)

Lewis Simmons
05-16-2008, 10:54 PM
Thanks Joe!

I'm getting heaps of help now so once I get some other things out of the way, I will start designing structural pieces. Hard since Boeing refuses to give any dimensions within the cockpit and all you have to work from is a pic.

05-16-2008, 10:56 PM
Any guy who could go from the Mil to Applebees to owning multiple real decks lol can do anything you got my vote Tom :)


05-16-2008, 10:58 PM
AWWWWW Joe :( wheres my " Tim your a definite Pain in the A$$ Man ! lol


Joe Cygan
05-16-2008, 11:11 PM
AWWWWW Joe :( wheres my " Tim your a definite Pain in the A$$ Man ! lol

Tim you know I love you like a brother!(click on image to see full detail)
Please don't kick my arss?

True Friend,

05-17-2008, 05:45 AM
LOL @ Joe Too funny thx bro.


Lewis Simmons
05-17-2008, 03:16 PM
I lit them up this morning and they look amazing. If I can get the right LED colour, it should be perfect.

Bob Reed
05-17-2008, 10:20 PM
Folks... Lets get back on topic here..... Take the rest of this banter to the lounge!;):D

05-18-2008, 03:27 PM
Ladies and germs, here's my thought on the matter:

If anybody - no matter how old or young they are - wants to build a sim, I'll help out as far as my knowledge goes. But I do not want to spend a lot of time on people that talks rather than do. Do not ask me intricate questions about how's and why's if you're not actually building something!
Why do I say that? Because I've been doing this hobby for some years now, and I am just getting warmed up in the building process! And if I have learned one thing, it would be that you do not waste time thinking and looking for specific answers BEFORE you've got the actual items in your own sweaty paws! The reason is very simple: Things are not as they appear. Products do change, every sim is different built and we all have different approaches and knowledge. For instance, there would be no reason for me to purchase a lot of dingies and doo-hickeys before I know what I'll actually need. I did that a couple of times, and have wasted a lot of money that way.

Another thing that I find annoying is threads like this. Going out boldly and stating that you're going to build 4 sims - I don't care how old you are or how much money you have; Building one sim takes HUGE amounts of time, money and effort! Even if you buy finished products from the different companies. Being a normal guy with a normal job and a slightly over normal salary, I must save up money to buy stuff. The next months I will buy 2 LCD monitors for my MIP, and some MDF to build a base for it. And then I don't have more money for my sim that month.

But here's the encouragement to the thread starter: Once you have ONE sim built, building the next one will be a LOT easier. Because you know what you're doing, what not to do and how to plan the process.

Get ONE sim up and running, then you can go crazy and build three more! :)

Can't wait to see the panels up and running! Posting images of a few panels is simple, now do the rest.

Can't help quoting Yoda here:
"Do, or do not. There is no try"

Keep that advice in your head, and you'll do wonderful things. Not just in the simulator world, but in the "other" world as well. Good luck!

PS: People, remember that we all were young, bold and unrealistic once. Looking at this thread, I can't help but thinking: "Boy do I miss being that enthustiastic and naive!" And in a great sense, we as simbuilders should not forget that we're just a bunch of grown kids! Why else spend so much money on something that can't be classified as anything else than a huge toy!
Being a grown-up kiddo is great though! Because we CAN buy the toys we want, and we can "get some" from the flight attendant as well!!! :D See where I'm going with this? :D

05-18-2008, 03:32 PM
Lewis, look for "wam white" LED's. Should do a nice job. If not, you could paint the LED's with transparent paint used in model cars. I used an orange paint from TAMIYA. Water based, so you can wipe it off should you mess it up. A thin coat of that paint (can be thinned with water), and you'll get a nice orange-looking light. Which is about the right color. Real lightplates uses bulbs (tungsten?).

05-18-2008, 07:13 PM
VIDAR! lol
There is nothing normal about you at all stop trying to fool these nice people,:):):) I've known you for years and you've never been normal LOL As for the YODA, yes you do have a striking resemblance to him LOL Irts ok you know I love ya my Norse friend..All hail the Vikings ..Vidar's new name...VIDAR THE WISE SIM BUILDER LMAO :)

Your Friend always


Being a normal guy with a normal job and a slightly over normal salary, I must save up money to buy stuff.
Can't help quoting Yoda here:
"Do, or do not. There is no try"


05-18-2008, 08:30 PM
Hey Lewis,

I am glad you like your panels, you know how much of a struggle those where, i will try and email you some sketches ive done of the 787 to help you along.

With lighting them Vidar is totally correct, the tamya paint is ideal, i just add a bit more red in there, your panels are drilled for the LED map using 3mm LED's that should not get in the way of any switches, displays and encoders, mix some of this paint and simply dip the LED's in there then insert into the back of the panel and let them cure, thew will hold themselves in there nice and tight so no need for additional glue, if you do nuke the led's by accident and need to replace place one finger on either side of the led and pull using a small pair of pliers, they will pop out, the panel itself will take a lot of abuse. Try and use the warm white led's (i think i sent you some) using pure white led's will give you a slight purple tint to the glow because of there blue content, however playing with transparent paints you can overcome this.

Lewis, My only advice to you would be throw all your enthusiasm into one aircraft type before moving onto the next, get it to flying stage before reaserching another, Yes I am mad wanting to build two and i know if I attack both now in 4 years i will just end up with a pile of parts and no sim, so.. doing the 74 first and sticking with that with only a few bits of 76 in there when i get bored, after 4 years i will have a full flying fixed base 747 sim and enough parts to start building a 767 that will probably only take 1 year to complete because of my own experiance building the 747.

But like a have said to you before, you need help you know where I am.

But most of all Lewis, enjoy the ride;)


Matt Olieman
05-18-2008, 09:09 PM
Nicely said Phil, and Lewis you can certainly count on most of us to provide the help you may need in your flight-sim building adventure. That's what MyCockpit.org is all about :) :) :)

Matt Olieman

Joe Cygan
05-18-2008, 09:47 PM
Yup Lewis most of us will be there for all your triumphs and falls.

We will all get there together:)

ivar hestnes
05-18-2008, 10:28 PM
As far as I know, Lewis has the first 787 panels for home builders in the whole world:)

Thats a good start for a cool project.

Phil did a very sweet job on those panels. (drool, drool, drool ;) ).

Looking very much forward to watch this project step forward. It sure is a good challenge to build a simulator, where there is no software available. But Lewis is young and maybe can learn to program this on his own.

But do yourself a favour Lewis. At least get the 787 half done before you start on another sim. You need time to enjoy also:). With 4 sims to build at the same time, you wont have time for school and sleep ( or girls:twisted: ) ;).

I have a big enough challenge to build a 737, considering economic and available time. Have passed 1600 working hours on my simulator, and it is half way finished. Dont even want to write how much bucks spent;).

But if you are good to do all 4 sims and can finish them in a quality you are happy with (which is the most important), then I wish you the best luck. The most important thing is anyway that you have a hobby which will give you lots of fun, teach you a lot and it will give you friends from all over the world at all ages. Thats a very good thing.

I am looking very much forward to see pictures as you progress and also hope you enlighten us how you want to build your sim with hardware, software and interfacing.

Are your sims to have a shell also?


Joe Cygan
05-18-2008, 10:43 PM
As far as I know, Lewis has the first 787 panels for home builders in the whole world:)

Thats a good start for a cool project.

Phil did a very sweet job on those panels. (drool, drool, drool ;) ).

Looking very much forward to watch this project step forward. It sure is a good challenge to build a simulator, where there is no software available. But Lewis is young and maybe can learn to program this on his own.

But do yourself a favour Lewis. At least get the 787 half done before you start on another sim. You need time to enjoy also:). With 4 sims to build at the same time, you wont have time for school and sleep ( or girls:twisted: ) ;).

I have a big enough challenge to build a 737, considering economic and available time. Have passed 1600 working hours on my simulator, and it is half way finished. Dont even want to write how much bucks spent;).

But if you are good to do all 4 sims and can finish them in a quality you are happy with (which is the most important), then I wish you the best luck. The most important thing is anyway that you have a hobby which will give you lots of fun, teach you a lot and it will give you friends from all over the world at all ages. Thats a very good thing.

I am looking very much forward to see pictures as you progress and also hope you enlighten us how you want to build your sim with hardware, software and interfacing.

Are your sims to have a shell also?


Ivar I think you may be correct with your statement. I did have a conversation with the Boeing Corp. recently and they did mention to me that FDS did produce a set of panels for them some time ago for one of their 787 simulators that would be accessible to the general public.

Congrats Lewis on the 787 stuff and I hope you run with it!

05-19-2008, 01:00 PM
VIDAR! lol
There is nothing normal about you at all stop trying to fool these nice people,:):):) I've known you for years and you've never been normal LOL As for the YODA, yes you do have a striking resemblance to him LOL Irts ok you know I love ya my Norse friend..All hail the Vikings ..Vidar's new name...VIDAR THE WISE SIM BUILDER LMAO :)

Your Friend always


Okay, you got me. :D As for the Yoda thingy: The only place I resemble the old Jedi Master, is the haircut. :D
Hmm... and i DO get a bit green when I have inhaled too much soldering fumes...

Go easy on me on the nicknames, Tim. Remember: Norwegians kill whales for fun! :D :D :D

Nah, better get back to the MIP and the soldering iron. And tomorrow, a new little package from FDS arrives. Just some spare parts to complete my MIP (some items was missing in action, but that's what you get when ordering a brand new product. FDS' service was second-to-none this time too!).

The 787 looks sweet, but my next sim (If I ever build one) will be the 747 - or if I want to be modest, the Dash Q400. You need some steamgauges in your life...