View Full Version : Electroluminescent for backlighting

06-30-2008, 09:06 PM
Hello everybody!

This is my first message in the forum (i'm nervous :?). First, my excuses to all for my very little english. At the moment I'm beginning to carry out my B737 cockpit and I have many doubts, but one of them is in relation to the different backlighting systems.

I would like to make the backlighting in my MCP (from Opencockpits) and I have planned to make it with electroluminescent EL Wire (or EL Sheet or EL Tape). I have read about it but I ignore how it works exactly (and if the result is good and it is worthwhile). Also I would like to know what the system is better keeping in mind the results of your experience.

If some knows this system, please, I will like to know about it. I'm totally beginner in electronic. I would appreciate any help or advice.

Thank you!

06-30-2008, 09:27 PM
I did that on mine before IBL was available. Not an easy task for the faint of heart. You will need a very low heat soldering iron, and practice on scrap before you do the real panel. I used some copper tape to solder to, then fastened it to the EL sheet. You can find that in a hobby store and its primary use is for doing stained glass. Also if you don't want the white light, there are different colored films available. I think I used a peach color, and still have some ....somewhere. I was actually very proud of myself and how it turned out. One thing too, the inverter sings a high pitch that is noticeable. All in all, it's less expensive, but if you can afford to go with units that are already backlit, do so. I'll dig around and see if I can find some pics I took....it was a couple of years ago.

06-30-2008, 10:56 PM
EL backlighting of panels has been done very successfully by the guys over at ViperPit. It's mentioned in several threads. Here's one to start with: http://www.viperpits.org/smf/index.php?topic=3070.0;all

I have seen posts by several people over the years trying to use EL wire. None were successful. The wire simply does not put out enough light. You need to use the foil.

07-01-2008, 12:01 PM
Thank you Rodney and Mike for your information.

I have read that certainly this system doesn't offer a lot of illumination, of there my doubts. I will prove the form of making it. If I am not happy with EL Wire I will prove for the traditional method...
