View Full Version : Hello from Texas!

07-04-2008, 08:28 AM
Hello yall,

I'm another longtime pc simmer who's looking into building my own pit. I'm to the point of buying equipment to begin building, but have stayed out of the forums until I was sure of a definite plan and not some half a@# intentions.:D What really got me to this point is the lack of places that have sims open to the public in the DFW area. So my plans are to start with an A320 and allow the general public to fly it and hopefully two more after that. Maybe it's a little flighty but it is worth the time and the effort. See yall around!!

Michael Hall

07-04-2008, 10:04 AM
Welcome to the forum. I live in Georgetown Texas, Alan Dyer has his 737 down the road a couple of miles from me. I think there are several builders in Texas. When you get things going be sure to post your web site or attach pictures.

Take care


07-05-2008, 06:38 AM
Hi Michael,

Nice to see anoither Texan around!

That's what many of us were before popping into this building scene: "longtime pc simmers"! You're in for some fun!

Keep us posted on your A320. Good luck !!

Michael Carter
07-05-2008, 06:42 AM
Welcome to the site Michael. Glad to have you aboard.

07-05-2008, 10:09 AM
Welcome Michael! You will find a lot of knowledgeable and helpful folks here. You and I are in the same industry. If you ever get to Lafayette, look me up.