View Full Version : Anyone using it?

07-08-2008, 12:54 PM
Hey guys,
Quick question anyone using XPlane 9? I just bought the new 9 and its pretty impressive for sure.I read somewhere thats its compatible with PM if thats so then how to make it work exactly? Can anyone offer me a copy of their joystick config setup in XPLANE to help me get going quicker? Thanks in advance.


07-08-2008, 01:14 PM
Well I also bought it but didn't play with it very much yet. Being used to fly with FS it does take some time to get used to it. So far I am not too familiar with X-plane but it does look impressive and if I have to believe the comments, the models are quit effective.

I am also still running it on a dual core laptop for testing, the graphic card is obviously not strong enough as I have huge stutters.

07-08-2008, 01:52 PM
I bought X-Plane 9 too, but I always end up coming back to FSX. I wish FSX utilizies the video card as much as Xplane. Xplane's ATC, nav displays, views and autopilot are the main turn offs for me. I do love the aircraft and panel makers included with the program though.
In terms of joystick set up, it always takes me hours to set up and I think emailing you my settings won't be of any help unless we have the exact same set up (I have CH yoke, TQ and rudders)? Try www.x-plane.org there might be something there.

07-30-2008, 05:05 AM
I just downloaded this (X.9) today and I'm seriously looking at it for a couple of reasons.

1. It's FAA certified. (Not for all sims I know)
2. It's made to have hardware plugged in and the SDK for it is written with builders in mind.

If it meets my needs better than MSFS then I'll likely switch.

07-30-2008, 05:49 AM
X-Plane is a great piece of software, I have been using it since the early days, but what turned alot of people off was the initial lack of hardware support for it.

The only way would be to create your own software using an SDK which would take time, so for some types of simmers which like to just plug, calibrate , Play this was hard and also most required programming knowledge to make your hardware work. I know Goflight modules are supported to a certain degree which Sandy Barbour created, but the last time I was talking to him he said that he wasn't going to update it anymore but gave information from his last plugin so a knowledgeable user could update it.

At the moment I'm busy with FSX and FS2004 for interfacing with hardware im manufacturing, but X-plane versions from 8+ will be supported. This will also include MCP, EFIS and Radios (Comm,ADF,NAV) and some General Aviation panels.

07-30-2008, 06:08 AM
I read that the built-in ATC is horrible though. Still have VATSIM....

07-30-2008, 07:15 AM
I read that the built-in ATC is horrible though. Still have VATSIM....

Very true indeed, the ATC is not up to scratch, and yes Vatsim compatibility is a god send, but I remember in other versions, that the geographical data was different to the data used by Microsoft pilots so when you were in an airport you would see the MS pilots aircraft about 3-4 foot under the ground so it would look strange, not only that but even the taxi ways differ sometimes between the two. Other than that it was perfect to a certain degree. I haven't had the time to look in the new version, can somebody clarify if this is still an issue ?

Also, I don't know either what the new environment sounds are like in the new version, in X-plane 8+ they were horrible, so I decided to release a special sound pack for creating a lot more atmospheric immersion when flying in thunder and lighting weather.

If you want you can try them out here.



07-30-2008, 10:57 AM

When I first read your post, I just saw the title "Are you using it?. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about the little blue pill. Nobody ever admits to using that of course. :roll: ;)

But to get back to the real question, I did try Xplane a few releases back. Even then, I thought the modelling of turbulence when I went on purpose through a thunderstorm was simply amazing and much better than I have ever seen in any FS release or any add-on so far. Of course X-plane has many shortcomings as well especially if you wanted to use it in a flight deck but the flight dynamics are far superior in my opinion.


07-30-2008, 01:28 PM
I have a lot invested in MSFS already so XPlane is going to have to offer more than just better flight dynamics (although that is a huge factor).

I was looking at the assignment interface last night and I like it but it only covers a small portion of whats possible. I don't really want to have to get back into programming to assign my switches and such.
For example, the fuel pump switch assignment is not even an option and considering that they are supposed to be geared for GA trainers, this becomes an issue.

Lets start beating on Aces door and get them to use a physics based model for the flight dynamics and a better interface for builders. Then they will have it. Hands down.

Paul G
07-31-2008, 03:23 AM
I regularly fly a friend's sim with X-Plane 8. He's spent a fortune on Go Flight units, I mean tens of thousands and with this and X-Plane it's still a million miles away from being a realistic experience in my opinion.

The reason I mention this is that I have quite a bit of experience in X-Plane and FSX. What I like about Microsoft's contribution is that there's a massive choice of high quality add-ons as well as a load that suck. For X-Plane there is also a massive choice but almost all is freeware and you get what you pay for.

In summary I believe X-Plane has the potential to be a much better sim than Flight Sim 9/X but I don't think it will ever overtake it. Technically it has the foundations of being something that Microsoft's packages will never be, but I'm not sure Laminar will ever get there (or aspire to getting there).

I see X-Plane as good if you have something technical that you are messing around with, e.g. a motion platform. For me I'm going to stay with mainstream flying games and take them to their limit.

07-31-2008, 09:39 AM
I've got it, but don't use it anymore.

The flight model definitely has a different feel, however, I'm not convinced either program has it right. They both have their drawbacks and benefits.

I was a huge fan for awhile, even when it was still a vector graphics program, but I was turned-off waiting for enhancements that never happened.

My biggest issue with X-Plane is in the development process (essentially a one-man crew). The developer seems a little preoccupied with details that I personally could care less about, (forest fires, traffic with working turn signals, drive-in theaters with movies that play...) while ignoring and even ranting about requests for overall experience improvements (ATC, hardware compatibility...)

It's his ship and he can choose how to develop, but IMHO if you're going to get an audience to buy-in you have to listen to them.

07-31-2008, 02:13 PM
After testing and discussion, I find the only real advantage XPlane has over MSFS is the physics based flight dynamics and that is simply not nearly enough for me to switch.