View Full Version : Cockpitsonic's FTD

07-23-2008, 04:19 PM
Hi all,

I am considering to purchase the FTD dual seat from Cockpitsonic. Are there any cockpit builders who purchased this FTD? If so what are your findings?

Also, is it true that only the gear lever/lights and auto brake functions and for the rest of the annunciators you have to buy Project Magenta?

I thought that all the annunciators/switches could be fed to msfs via the usb interface.

I hope I will get an answer soon!

Lefranc Loupias

Trevor Hale
07-23-2008, 05:27 PM
Hi Lefranc,

Welcome to Mycockpit.

I think your missing something. Project Magenta is a software package that runs on top of flightsim, it is an add-on gauge pack like and add-on aircraft.

So basically most of the functions would work without Project Magenta, but in order to get the FMC or ND/PFD functions to work, you will need either Project Magenta or something like PMDG.


07-23-2008, 11:36 PM
Hi Trevor,

Thank you for your quick reply!
I know that Project Magenta is a add-on and I use PMDG's FMC for flight plans etc.

I was told that only the gear lever/lights and the auto-brake I/O works without Project Magenta, but on the other hand, all the electronic components should be wired up, so it should work without Project Magenta. Cockpitsonic seemed to be very convinced that it would not work. I am planning to use Project Magenta to display the ND etc on different screens with flight path etc.

I also like to know about the quality of the FTD. How is that compared to let's say fly engravity? Is it simular?

I am very impressed with the products of Cockpitsonic. Little bit weak on product desciption though. When the FTD meets my requirements, I'll save up for the overhead panel. It looks great too!


Trevor Hale
07-24-2008, 07:58 AM

Well, I think it would all depend on the interface that they ship with the system. It may not be able to communicate with anything except Project magenta.

With that being said, The offsets in FSUPIC that are the gear variables, and autobrake functions are set inside Flightsim, and not Project Magenta.

What I mean by that is wether project magenta is running or not, you can set your auto brake or landing gear.

No matter what, say you receive the unit and you do not have project Magenta, and you do find some function does not work, you can just disconnect those annunciators and run the to a different interface, like a $100USD Phidgets LED64 card, and you will be golden again.

Sorry I cannot comment on the quality of there stuff compared to anyone else, as I have never even held a manufactured panel from anyone in my hand before.

Best regards,


07-24-2008, 08:58 AM
Hi Lefrank,

I think that most would agree that at this level, (Engravity/FDS/Cockpitsonic etc.) they all make very fine products.
Supporting our website's sponsors is always a good thing!!!


07-24-2008, 10:47 AM
Hi all,

Also, is it true that only the gear lever/lights and auto brake functions and for the rest of the annunciators you have to buy Project Magenta?

I thought that all the annunciators/switches could be fed to msfs via the usb interface.

Many of the MIPS annunciators and switches can be interfaced even with PMDG.
i.e. landing gear lever and annunciators, flaps transit, flaps extended annunciators, speedbreak extended, speedbreak armed annunciators, etc. These can all be adressed directly via FSUIPC.

however, some functions can not be adressed via FSUIPC. they will need workarounds. for example via key-press emulations. This is how the cpflight MIP737 board adressed the autobreak switch.

Others even managed to work on the speed ref and n1 set rotary switch/encoder combination using the mouse trapping capability of the latest fsuipc i think.

Ian from www.737ng.co.uk/ has adressed this issue very nicely using leo bodnars boards.
Check his site for more info. His sim is build around PMDG.

Some parts like switching the du's is not possible at all, simply because these panels are non functional in the pmdg.

I am planning to use Project Magenta to display the ND etc on different screens with flight path etc.

This is something i dont quite get. If you plan on using PM, then why bother building your sim around PMDG. I love the PMDG and its possible to build a sim around it. But if you own PM i would prefer PM for the logics and glass part, even if it was just for the sake of interfacing everything...and just pmdg for the flight model

I see you live in the netherlands....why dont you come over to lelystad in november, both manufacturers have a display there. Check all and convince yourself. Its just 3 months away.


07-26-2008, 02:20 PM
Thank you all for the input.

I ordered the FTD rev II and I'll let you know wat I think of it! It will be shipped at the end of next week, with great help of Mathias from Cockpitsonic!

To Stef: I was planning to go the FSWeekend in Lelystad, I think I'll be there on sunday. I can't wait to see the new developments for cockpit builders. Maybe I see you there.....

08-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Hi Lefranc,

i use the cockpitsonic FTD in a PMDG setting. Cockpitsonic provides their own driver for their hardware components, which you have to download from their site. It connects and identifies your FSUIPC version. The driver drives the clock, flaps gauge and gear lever. However, several annunciators do light up, if the correct settings are done, e.g. speedbrake lever "armed". To date, I use a simple commercial yoke-throttle-system, which works well with it. On the other hand, e.g. the sixpack does not function parallel to the PMDG panel. So you will definitly need another add-on program like PM to have full function available. Maybe, in the near future PM-comparable programs will be available for less money.
Enjoy you FTD, its perfect fun. By the way, I added some home-made stickers to mine (yaw damper, IFSD from left IRS only etc) which lets it look even more realistic.


08-06-2008, 04:28 PM
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your remarks! At the moment of ordering the FTD, Mathias told me he was looking at a program which would interface with the FTD and MSFS (I think via FSUIPC). As soon as I know more I will post it here and share it with all other builders and maybe we can help each other! Buying is PM is not (yet) an option because I think it is a little bit too expensive. Do you know if the interface which Cockpitsonic uses is programmable? I am also considering using phidget boards to rewire the switches and annunciators etc and make a program to interface with the io-board. Hopefully the FTD will arrive tomorrow and I will see what exactly works "out of the box" and what not. Maybe you can tell me ;)

Another question : What revision do you have, I will get a Rev II. I hope Mathias will tell me more about the program he found.

With kind regards,

Lefranc Loupias

08-06-2008, 04:55 PM
Hi Lefranc

I must admit I donīt know if I have the ref. II. But I can tell you probably tomorrow, since Matthias will likely pay me a visit tomorrow for my setup problems with the autopilot/EFIS module (it doesnt seem to work together with PMDG), so:
Yes, he told me early this year he is planning his own 737-software because of the high costs of other supplierīs products. And the airbus variant is already there on his site. As far as I know, programming takes a little time .....
Iīm not keen on computer technology (setting up a network with 3 PCs, one with vista, 2 with windows XP was kind of tricky for me, but I managed it at last) nor on electronics, so I can not tell you exactly the way his driver program works and how it interconnects and what you can connect to other boards, sorry. I will look into it, may be there is someone else who can help?
