View Full Version : TC690 Turbo Commander, first build

08-04-2008, 08:48 PM
Today was the day, I finally started work on my cockpit. It was great seeing it start to take shape, it's been cramped up inside my head now for quite sometime. :D

This first photo is the left side panel display, there's a lot of editing to do yet but it's a start.


This is the glare shield, I used hardboard and I'm hoping that it will relax a little over time to allow me to screw it down completely and not have to worry about the screws pulling. If the hardboard doesn't relax. then I'll try Sintra board. I plan to build up the thickness of the glare shield using high density foam and fiberglass? Any thoughts on that one, I was going to do some testing with blue foam insulation? would the fiberglass resin work with that?


This last photo is just the glare shield sitting on the panel. It took a bit to get everything balanced properly so I could take the shot but I couldn't resist seeing how the two looked together.


Any suggestions would be great, I can tell this is going to require a lot more experimentation that I had originally thought, so far it's been great fun...:D

Joe Cygan
08-04-2008, 08:50 PM
Great build!

Michael Carter
08-05-2008, 08:50 AM
Turbo Commanders are cool. I used to take care of one while working as a line boy in college earning my ratings. It was a PITA to refuel, but a really nice turboprop.

That was always my favorite twin. And talk about LOUD! It also sits as low as a sports car. :mrgreen:

Good luck with your build. Can't wait to see more pictures. If the wood won't relax enough to curve around the instrument panel, there is always sheet plastic, Formica, or thin wood veneer.

You could also try using a portable clothes steamer.

08-05-2008, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the replies and the advice. I'm happy to say that the hardboard has relaxed a great deal and shouldn't pose a problem. I should also clarify that my cockpit is going to be loosely based on the Turbo Commander ;) I have access to a TC690 and have used cockpit measurements and guage placement from the aircraft to start the build. I highly doubt anyone would be able to recongize the cockpit as a TC690 when I'm done :( but I'll know what it is and that's what counts...right.

08-06-2008, 02:46 AM
Another BC boy!

Is that FSXpand you are using for the cockpit?

08-06-2008, 11:46 AM
I put that panel together using FSpanel Studio and the default guages that came with the Veneaviones Rockwell Turbo commander. I have noticed that there are a few people from BC here in the forums, when I get this thing built I'll fire up the Bar-B-Que and have you all over for a beer.