View Full Version : Link to DIY TQ with Phidget 8/8/8

08-20-2008, 08:55 AM
Hello fellow builders.

After browsing through the internet for a Plug and Play TQ I found that they are quite expensive. So I thought about making one my own. I found a tutorial in the download are, but the links in this document are not working (anymore). Is there a manual in which detailed information is given about building a TQ with Phidget 8/8/8 and the settings for that TQ in FS2Phidget and FSUIPC?

With TQ I mean the Throttle Quadrant of a Boeing 737ng. It need not be a auto-throttle, just some templates of how to make the TQ from ply-wood.

I think there may be a few of you who have done this. Maybe someone can help me with that.


Lefranc Loupias

08-20-2008, 04:31 PM
Hi I downloaded these drawings from the internet, a few years ago now, can't remember where I got them from......

They are in Autocad format, hope you can open them?

They are in full 1 -2 -1 size, so print off copies and lay them over Plywood/MDF or whatever and cut around them.

I can't seam to attach them to this media, if you can send me an email address I will send it direct


08-26-2008, 10:22 AM
Hi Dave,
if you see this can you mail me a copy of the TQ drawings- unless you are buying one of ,those new fancy motorised ones, in which case i'll be the first in line to buy your old TQ...

08-26-2008, 10:51 AM
I just uploaded a file named pedestal.dwg in the Phidgets section (probably should be located somewhere else), but it has not shown up yet in the library. Perhaps downloads are validated before they show up.
