View Full Version : Said from the Netherlands

08-25-2008, 03:18 PM

My name is Said from the Netherlands and Im a 737NG builder, mycockpit.org is a nice community, i hope to help each other with ideas.



Michael Carter
08-25-2008, 03:33 PM
Hi Said. Welcome to the site.

Matt Olieman
08-25-2008, 04:21 PM
Hi Said and welcome to our world of flight-sim madness :) :) :)

Please tell us about your project, I noticed your avatar, is that your cockpit?

Matt Olieman

08-26-2008, 04:38 AM
i just wanted to say welcome to Said and tell other builders i have seen the level of quality he is putting into his project. it kind of makes me feel like i just play at it.
excellent..... one project to watch.
have a great day chaps... regards ... ian

08-26-2008, 02:17 PM
Thanks all
I have started with building my 737NG since 1 year, after years of vertual flying
i want gladly try build parts , with rivets real dzus studs ect..
real components are difficult to find and very expensive
many builders dreams to have a flightdeck real as possible.
it is possible really, and does not need always the expensive way
i believe that Mycockpit.org helps us to realise this dream

special thanks to captain ian;)


(my colleague peter is the owner of cockpit on the picture )

Michael Carter
08-26-2008, 09:52 PM
To build a 737NG cockpit using actual aircraft parts would be quite a feat indeed. Also quite expensive. They just aren't scrapping that many right now. Besides most rotables being re-used, cores and as-removed parts are very hard to come by.

I've seen what some of the actual core-value and as-removed parts are selling for and some cost more than my entire 727 instrument panel did. Korry's and switches included. Most cost more than the entire fire rack assembly aboard my 727.

On the positive side, there is nothing, no matter how good the manufacturer is, that can beat the real thing when it comes to airliner parts.

There are several who do come close though. Good luck with your build. I know it will be something you can be proud of.