View Full Version : hello all..so lucky to find this site and all of the great person shares their idea

09-02-2008, 01:57 AM
hello guys, i cant even make the plane inline with the runway in approach (FSX)..:mrgreen:
but i've planned to built cockpit, not just fly with monitor and a joystick.
thanks to find this site..

thnks for all of the great idea you people share heres..:cool:


Michael Carter
09-02-2008, 02:09 AM
Welcome to the site.

Sounds like you have a long row to hoe. We'll help if we can.

Efe Cem Elci
09-02-2008, 02:44 AM
Welcome to MyCockpit warp90!

Wish you lots of luck on both the flying and the building. I'm sure you've thought about it but just as a suggestion, I'd make sure you really enjoyed the flying before making any sizable investments on the cockpit building. I've seen quite a few people who developed an interest in both around the same time only to realize that FS wasn't really to their liking and have to sell their parts.

But enough pessimism on a Tuesday morning (and Monday night for those up over on the other side of the pond)! Let us know how you get along and don't refrain from asking questions when you need help or are unsure of something. ;)

Matt Olieman
09-02-2008, 05:23 AM
Welcome aboard WARP90 :) :) :) and to our madness :) :) :)

We all started with a monitor and a joystick, and amazing how that can grow. Important thing is "you're flying" Next thing to do is make a panel and put some switches on it. You'll be on your way to build a cockpit :) :) :)

Welcome again,
Matt Olieman

09-02-2008, 11:09 PM
Yes Sir, thanks so much, that's so encouraging,..
for sure its a madness, which we're all so lucky to be in it.

i believe the world of of simulation grow beyond imagination, thanks to MC and lots of great people here.
thanks again.
my regards,