View Full Version : New member from Belgium

09-09-2008, 09:30 AM
Hi everybody,
I'm new to forums, so I had to find my way.
I'm 58 old, working half time :D which give me plenty of time to work on my cockpit ( Cessna conquest II ) I started construction last year and progressing well, but patience is the more important thing, especially when ordering parts...response to software problems are also very frustrating ,but soon or late will be fixed I hope. My Website will be ready in a few weeks also,
I let you know of course.
All the best to the crew and if you're somewhere near Amougie airport let's have a good Belgian beer...:-D


Michael Carter
09-09-2008, 10:17 AM
Wow Gerry that's an awesome GA cockpit. Not many look as good as that.

Welcome to the site.

One thing about cockpit building over the years is that it has taught me patients.

09-09-2008, 10:26 AM
Hi Gerry,

Nice work on the cockpit, I will fly in from Ostend one of these day's, it will have to be coffee dough as I have to fly back ... ;-)

09-09-2008, 10:30 AM
Gerry, that is awesome! Thanks for sharing and all the best with your project. Are you using the product from Flight1? Also, Im thinking that if you havent discovered it yet, you may be able to use the new FSUIPC Macro functions for getting access to some other wise non touchable functions for your sim for systems, etc.

Take care,

09-09-2008, 10:54 AM
Hey Gerry,

welcome to this great site... as we see from the picture however, you wont need
much help anymore... wow, looks great
I am also from belgium (more northern part) Since you life near amougies (about an hour away) I suppose you are french speaking. Anyway, if you like to fly the bigger iron ones
(airbus, not so finished as yours) youre always welcome. You can check out my pics under
username pdpo. Maybe we can meet ones and fly...

By the way, are the analog instruments ... physical instruments or they are on an LCD ?

Greetz Peter

09-11-2008, 03:18 AM
Dag Peter,
dank U voor uw mail. er is nog veel te doen maar komt wel in order...
Uw sim is ook niet slecht....proficiaat.
mijn instrumenten zijn 80% flight illusion de rest is simkits.
dank U voor de invitatie, geld ook andersom.
sorry voor foutjes maar ik ben franstalig


09-11-2008, 03:23 AM
Hi gerry,

I'll continue writing in english...
do not apologise for those small mistakes ....
If I would have to write in french , most probably
it would be worse. Thats the result of learning a language
for many years in school and not use it anymore for a long
time. Spoken I can still manage ... but writing...oef..

Si tu veux venir, simplement envoie moi un email.

Greetings Peter

09-11-2008, 03:31 AM
Hi Eric,
Thanks for you compliments. I'm using Flight Illusion (80%) and simkits products(20%)
Plane is from flight1 but all bells and whistles are not supported by the soft...
Looking for something to make annunciator for Hydraulic press and cabin alt (as from 15,000 ft ) working. Any suggestion welcome.

Thanks and fly safe

09-11-2008, 03:39 AM
Hi Marnix,
Thanks for your compliments.
If you want to taste our local beer (famous) dont' hesitate to fly further to our small airfield (amougie) I'l pick you up and there is B.B.B available at my place.

all the best and fly safe

09-11-2008, 03:52 AM
Thanks for your invitation, as I like sea food... I'll certainly will come along one of those days...and have a serious look at your sim.



09-11-2008, 03:56 AM
Thanks for your kind words.
Will keep in touch when work progress.

fly safe