View Full Version : what to buy next?

09-18-2008, 01:32 PM
This is kind of a ramble...bear with me.

I'm trying to figure out what I should add next to my sim pit. I have a couple goflight modules: buttons, toggle switches, and the two modules that can be used with radios/ap functions. I have ch yoke and pedals. I had my birthday on the 16th. I was thinking of getting their mcp pro. Or should I be practical and get their advanced ap module? Sort of on top of it, my main FS rig became my MythTV box as it had a motherboard problem, so I need to build a new system. I am waiting for nehalem to come out. Other items I am interested in is TrackIR and some of the scenery software. For display I have two 19" CRTs, one 19" for EADI NAV etc.., notebrick has FMC on it.

Granted, the last couple of years I have not really flown that much. I am newlywed - 5 years now. I think my wife wasn't too happy first couple years when I was doing soo much simming (which was actually VATSIM ATC'ing). I think part of problem was she had moved too far away to keep her old job. It's taken almost five years to find a job. Hopefully her most recent one she likes and keeps forever. Enough mushy stuff, my wife ok'd the MCP. Also said I could build new system for XMAS. I think the scenery software would be ok too since it's soo much less than the other goodies. Is there anything else that I might want to consider instead?

09-18-2008, 01:43 PM
I think the first thing you need to do is create a plan. What are you trying to accomplish? What plane are you trying to emulate if any? Etc.

I can tell you I built a GA Sim platform with some Military sim capability because I like LockOn and Falcon but also wanted something to help me with real life instrument training at some point.

Now that I just about have that the way I want it I am getting bored flying low and slow in GA aircraft and want to rebuild my sim and am thinking about a Learjet45 as others here have been having good success with that.

Again, you need to decide based on "your" plan what makes the most sense to purchase at any given time. Only you can answer that.

09-18-2008, 02:07 PM
aahhh yes, ye old plan. I have measurements from a 777 that I had been cutting mdf to those specs (shown below mip and pedestal). I like to think of it as a generic twin as I do enjoy the twin airliner props still.


09-18-2008, 02:22 PM
Oh and I forgot......

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!! Show the wife the plan!