View Full Version : Hi

09-26-2008, 11:26 PM
Hi Everbody,
I'm new to this site and thought i'd introduce myself, my name is colin and live in Kent UK, this is a hobbie close to my heart and eventually i will build the cockpit of my dreams, but in the meantime I'm looking to gain and learn from people who have or are getting their hands dirty at present, look forward to chatting to you all in the future.

Kind regards, and sorry if I'm may seem a bit slow as i say I'm new to the game.


Michael Carter
09-27-2008, 01:21 AM
Welcome to the site Colin.

The only other Colin I know is Colin Hay. Well, I don't really know him but we conversed via e-mail for a time awhile back in the late '90's. Nice fellow.

Anyway, what are you wanting to build? What do you fly now?

Might I interest you in a three engined Boeing by chance?

Trevor Hale
09-27-2008, 08:59 AM
Hi Colin,

We aim to help you make your dreams come true.

Welcome to MyCockpit.

Best regards,
