View Full Version : Hi from Omaha,NE

10-01-2008, 06:31 AM
Hi I am a railroad mechanic. I am involved with the local Civil Air Patrol. I currently just got promoted to 1st Lieutenant. I enjoy my time with the cadets.
My wife and I have been married 7 years with 2 boys 5,6 and a boy in the oven.

I am fairly new to this site I have already built a simulator on one panel with about 40 toggles and a hacked keyboard. I even hacked my joystick and made a throttle.

I want more (It's never enough) I want to build a glass cockpit next. More to come later.

Matt Olieman
10-01-2008, 06:37 AM
Hello and welcome aboard. So you've got the bug :) :) :) once you get started you can't stop.

You've come to right place, full of experienced builders and plenty of ideas how to make your cockpit grow :) :) :)

Matt Olieman

Michael Carter
10-01-2008, 08:27 AM
Welcome to MyCockpit.

I used to fly for CAP out of Scott AFB many years ago. Not many missions for sure. Lot's of intro flights and cadet reward flights.

You came to the right place. Let us know if you need any info for your aircraft.

Tracy Hale
10-01-2008, 12:28 PM
Welcome to MyCockpit.org, glad you could join us! You will find a lot of information here and any questions can be answered.

Also, God Bless your wife :D