View Full Version : Forgot to introduce myself =)

10-03-2008, 10:29 PM
Hi fellow newbies and pros!

My name is William and I´m an aviationist, I am swedish/american and living in Stockholm.
I am a singer/guitarist in my band Curses and Crucifixes.

I have given in to the insanity and I am going to build a 737NG pit.
Lord help me :-D

Pleasure to meet you all!
Great site and great people!


10-03-2008, 11:43 PM
What kind of music do you play? A few of us here are musicians also, and then some of us just play.

10-04-2008, 02:12 AM
Could you write a song about cockpit building? I'll bet it will make the top of the charts.

My sincerest best wishes building. This is the best place to be.

10-04-2008, 12:08 PM

Hahaha yeah I shall pen down a tune right away =)

Its great that some of you guys are musicians as well, makes me feel evenmore at home here =)
So far everyone has been great here!:D

Oh boy its real hard to describe musical styles...I am the only member of my band, Its pretty aggressive music =)
Queens of the stone age/Tool but faster? =) :evil:

10-04-2008, 03:44 PM
Hmmm... I would call that along the lines of Thrash-Metal.

10-04-2008, 09:18 PM
Na, I wouldnt go as far as calling it Thrash =)
Its pretty melodic eventhogh hard.
I´ll let you guys know when Ive got my new site up and running =)

Do you have any media of your pit BTW?


10-05-2008, 03:41 AM
For my pit, you can click on my name and check my album.

10-06-2008, 05:13 PM
I´ll go do that =)


10-06-2008, 07:08 PM
Welcome to MC.org Willaim,

I am a keyboard player/12st guitarist/singer & musical director of a Pink Floyd tribute band "PULSE" here in Perth, Western Australia.

Regards, Gwyn

10-06-2008, 10:48 PM
Hi Gwyn!

Thats awesome, wish I could play more instruments.
Pink Floyd are great, too bad two of them are gone now =/

So Gwyn whats your thing? 737NG?
Any pics or vids?


10-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Hi Gwyn!

Thats awesome, wish I could play more instruments.
Pink Floyd are great, too bad two of them are gone now =/

So Gwyn whats your thing? 737NG?
Any pics or vids?


Hi again,
If you look at the photo gallery under "Westozy", I've posted loads of pics over the years since I started building my 737NG. There is a video at http://www.mycockpitvideos.com/video/49/Gwyns-Simulator The sound is poor due to the compression but the vision is ok!

Regards, Gwyn

10-07-2008, 03:01 PM
Hi Gwyn!

Yeah, I saw your pics and the video =)
They were great!
You built a lot of your pit yourself right?
You ordred a few things, but even those were not assembled?

I was cool how you build the overhead.
What software do you use? Apart from FS9 and PMDG 737?
Project Magenta at all?
And the yoke assembaly for captain and FO side is great, does
it work together with the MCU when in autopilot mode? :D


10-07-2008, 06:38 PM
Hi Gwyn!

Yeah, I saw your pics and the video =)
They were great!
You built a lot of your pit yourself right?
You ordred a few things, but even those were not assembled?

I was cool how you build the overhead.
What software do you use? Apart from FS9 and PMDG 737?
Project Magenta at all?
And the yoke assembaly for captain and FO side is great, does
it work together with the MCU when in autopilot mode? :D


Hi Willliam,

The only things I have bought is the CP Flight MCP & EFIS units, FDT Simboards, replica yokes from Dodiano, TH2Go and the quad core PC with GTS8800 video card. Everything else is hand made and assembled by myself. This is probably the easiest way to build a 737 sim at the moment and I don't have any of the Project Magenta problems that seem to fill our forum pages. The yokes and rudder pedals are linked and the sim can be flown from both seats easily. There is no feedback automation to the yokes from the autopilot but they do have great feel when hand flying. Captain John Turnbull from Virgin Blue helped me 'tune' the flight controls and he said it is every bit as good as the 5 million dollar fixed base sim that Virgin Blue own and operate in Brisbane. I have had very enthusiastic feedback from six different airline pilots so far and the sim continues to attract a constant stream of visitors. The total cost so far including the projector is about AUD$8,500.00 It has taken 4 years and many thousands of hours to reach the stage it is at and it is still far from complete but I am in no hurry to complete it as it is just a very enjoyable ongoing hobby. I have found myself building throttle quads and other parts for many MC.org members which has kind of put my own sim build on hold but like I said there is no hurry. I have a pilot's licence but the desire to spend $200 an hour for the real thing has come and gone, the sim certainly fills the need to fly these days!
All the best for your project and I am here to help with any advice I can offer, I look forward to seeing your progress pics.


10-07-2008, 08:40 PM

Thats really nice of you! Thanx! :D

Wow 8000$ is nothing compared to what I have planned out, but I guess its because you have been very recoursful and have done so very much yourself and not invested in the software?

But how do you get the hardware to to run with FS without software?
I thought PM or something equavilent was a necessity for FS to respond to the adjustments made in the hardware and vice versa? How do they "talk" to eachother?
