View Full Version : USB peripherals

Geremy Britton
10-06-2008, 01:35 PM
Hi all, i have a lot of USB 'extras' on my computer. What with Goflight, Desktop aviator, joysticks, Usb boards, Throttle quad, printer. I noticed flight sim (or the computer) getting a bit mixed up i think becase it swapped some of the settings around the other day.

I know after you have 5 pr 6 USB's it is strongly advised you get external power from mains to power the USB's which can be bought - to prevent overheating to the Computer. However is it unlimited how many USB imput devices you can add, as long as you have assisted power?

And i was just wondering how many USB peripherals you guys have at the moment then i can put myself on a scale of where i am with around 11 USB input devices and that will be set to increase in time.

Your quick responses would be appreciated on this matter,


Michael Carter
10-06-2008, 01:46 PM
I believe a USB port can handle either 122 or 127 devices (?). Not that it would if the devices require more current than the port can provide, but as an example, you can connect a powered USB hub to the port and daisy chain them together if need be.

Trevor Hale
10-06-2008, 02:09 PM
Mike is right.

But, man if you have 11 devices, You must be in some trouble.

I would be buying a really high quality Powered USB hub for all of that.

I have 7 max, and then My overhead plugs into a separate machine. I thought I had a lot LOL.


Geremy Britton
10-06-2008, 02:50 PM
Thanks Mike that was the info i was looking for, and trevor you have 7, ok... maybe as you say i'm towards the higher end of the scale on USB devices then.

> Joystick,
>Goflight panel
>Goflight panel
>Goflight panel
>Goflight RMK
>Goflight RMK
>Desktop avaitor panel
>Desktop avaitor panel
>Desktop avaitor panel
>Desktop aviator panel
>Trim wheel
> CH rudder pedals

Ou, i miss counted. I count 15 at present. So yeah, and i don't plan to stop there, maybe up to 20. Through other panels and bits and bobs.

And bearing in mind this will be running from one Computer.

My sim will consist of only ONE computer with the TH2GO software, this will enable me to get the MIP screens.

I have a hi-tech wide throw projector for the visuals. :)

Thanks, and other members please feel free to add to this ... how many USB plug in's do you have?

Thanks again, Trev and Mike.