View Full Version : Hello Everyone

10-15-2008, 11:09 PM
Hello forum Members. I am Robert.

I am from Mississauga, ON Canada. and am currently in the research and development stage of building my own 737-700/800 Simulator based on Westjet.

I say research and development because I currently lack the money needed to purchase parts or hardware to build the sim.... gotta love the economy for that.

I have tinkered with a few designs, mostly out of cardboard where I tend to build things that most of my friends say "there is no way that is cardboard." I recently moved into a house with my family and am renting out the basement, so I had to destroy the massive MIP/MCP and Center Pedestal I created out of double ply cardboard. The great news about this is I get 1/2 the garage to build my simulator in. I have been tinkering with ideas from various websites and the thoughts of building a lot of it from scratch to save money.

My current inventory for my 737 is

- 737 Go Flight MCP
- 4 Go Flight Modules
- a VRAC 737 style throttle (www.airplanestuff.com) Which doesn't operate as well as I would like it to and isn't as realistic as I preferred.
- Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals
- Saitek X52 Joystick/throttle combo

I have also been trying some ideas with a few components that I have bought from www.desktopaviator.com to control key presses and switches which have worked out great.

I look forward to all the friendships I will make here and he knowledge I will gain to build my sim.

If you live in or around the Greater Toronto Area, let me know. We maybe able to work together on my sim. Of course I will return the favor.

10-15-2008, 11:53 PM
Welcome here, and ready to help.
My first cockpit was also made out of thick cardboard (tan colour!) on an ABS pipe frame.
Logged many hours in it.

Trevor Hale
10-16-2008, 08:16 AM
Welcome to MyCockpit Robert,

I moved from Toronto almost 3 years ago, and had a full Airbus A330 in the basement. Now living way up here in the sticks, I am still able to keep going on my build.

I am on my 4th simulator now, and I couldn't have done any of them, without the wealth of knowledge from this site.

I started with nothing, and planned and planned. Most importantly figured out a way to build my sims as cheap as possible, and have them as real as possible.

I look forward to seeing your progress.

Best regards,


10-16-2008, 10:47 AM
Seems like a very good plan.

Is that the MCP Pro? If so, it works perfectly with the FeelThere/Wilco/Pilot-in-Command 737-300/400/500 just to get you flying. Saves the expense of paying for the extra software necessary to interface it with the PMDG 737.

Good flying!


10-16-2008, 12:27 PM
Welcome, your inventory is larger than what most begin with, I'd say you've got a pretty good start, and definitely enough hardware to fly, enjoy!

10-16-2008, 07:48 PM
Hi Robert and welcome to MC.org,

Have a look at my sim website, I have kept the budget down using one quick PC and PMDG software. Over four years I have spent AUD$8,500 including the purchase of the projector. The sim is very effective at creating the illusion of motion and continues to work very well, (touchwood!) It boots and is ready to go in 3 minutes.
I monitor the mechanical forum here and I'm here to help and offer advice!

Regards, Gwyn

10-16-2008, 11:33 PM
Seems like a very good plan.

Is that the MCP Pro? If so, it works perfectly with the FeelThere/Wilco/Pilot-in-Command 737-300/400/500 just to get you flying. Saves the expense of paying for the extra software necessary to interface it with the PMDG 737.

Good flying!


Yep, it's the MCP Pro Long bar, I thought about the Wilco 737PIC but realized that a goal I want to achieve is full reliability on the hardware I will eventually install such as the overhead. The PMDG series is very finicky on that, I have to use Key2mouse to mimic most of the overhead functions, but it can't all be easy I say. I have a copy of the Ariane 737-700 and I have to say that is an amazingly accurate 737 to fly considering the track record of the owner. The MCP doesn't work with it yet, but I imagine things will change. Worst off, I will have to use Project Magenta Boeing MCP software to work out the kinks.

Hi Robert and welcome to MC.org,

Have a look at my sim website, I have kept the budget down using one quick PC and PMDG software. Over four years I have spent AUD$8,500 including the purchase of the projector. The sim is very effective at creating the illusion of motion and continues to work very well, (touchwood!) It boots and is ready to go in 3 minutes.
I monitor the mechanical forum here and I'm here to help and offer advice!

Regards, Gwyn

WOW $8500 AUD That's not bad considering some prices I have seen for parts and that people have spent to build there sims. The fortunate part is www.flightdecksolutions.com is about 45 minutes away from me so if I have to spend more then I wanted to I would probably purchase some stuff from him first. Mind you spending $1999.99 CDN on the 737 Shell kinda jumps me out of my budget as is.

Oh before I forget, has anyone bought a throttle from Flight Simulator Center? They look amazing and very accurate. I may have to buy a new throttle to replace the one I mentioned above which is driving me up the wall with glitches