View Full Version : UK World Flight ... an Invitation

John Davis
10-20-2008, 02:05 PM
Hi Guys, between Sunday 2nd November and Sunday 9th November my Simulator will be taking part in WORLD FLIGHT as one of the official teams, there are 12 crew manning it during this week long adventure, 24hrs per day flying 45 legs.
We are raising donations for the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance

UK worldflight invites you to make a donation via our Website http://www.747simulator.co.uk/page70.html

Or if you live in the UK why not book a flightdeck visit during the event ?
we are taking visitors 24hrs per day to alleviate the cruise boredom :cool:
visits last for 1hr ... lnger if no one else is here and cost £20 donation.

During the event our site will feature online tracking, video blogs and Photos.

All the teams in this global event need your support and you can find links to them all from our site.
We know that times are tough globally at present but we hope you will spare a few coins.

Many thanks John

10-20-2008, 07:38 PM

We would also welcome any visitors from Mycockpit in our B777 Simulator during the event in Farnborough if it is closer to you than Johns.

If anyone has donated to Johns Charity but are unable to travel to Conventry then you are more than welcome to visit us in Farnborough.

Best of luck with the event John and look forward to the usual banter.

Raising Money For Cancer Research UK

John Davis
10-20-2008, 07:46 PM
Likewise Garry, heres to a sucessfull if tiring round the world trip ... again ! :)

Cheers John

Michael Carter
10-20-2008, 08:50 PM
Makes me wish I had room for a dual seater with an engineer's panel.

John Davis
10-21-2008, 04:35 AM
World Flight as an event welcomes other sims and desktops to follow along on any or all of the legs, each year this number gets bigger, the event has been held since 2000 it will have full VATSIM coverage mostly by local controllers and by a dedicated ATC set up at World flight Australia to cover the rest ..... fire up the sim and fly along :D

Cheers John

Steve Masson
10-21-2008, 10:06 AM
Good luck John and Gary should be a great event again this year.


10-21-2008, 10:50 AM

Looking forward to talking to your guys during the day this year.

Think of us when your tucked up in bed during the night :-(


Steve Masson
10-21-2008, 01:54 PM

We have a small team this year because of the circumstances you are aware of but things are changing and we will be there as much as possible, but you should be safe as Benny will only be flying and not controlling.

