View Full Version : Intruder, full scale

10-21-2008, 07:11 PM
Hello all,

I am to the point in my project that I want to start a full scale climb in cockpit. I do not know where to start. Do I try to measure a model and do the math to get it to full scale? I have been told that some have aquired the techincal drawings to go by. Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanx,


10-21-2008, 07:22 PM
Intruder would be cool. I worked on a couple back in my Navy days. One of my favorite movies and books was Flight of the Intruder.

Looking forward to see what you come up with.


10-21-2008, 08:35 PM
My suggestion would be to contact the archives at the National Air & Space Museum. Put in a request for technical drawings on microfilm and what manuals they can copy. I have done this on a few projects.

10-21-2008, 08:50 PM

Non-classified manuals for many military aircraft fall into the public domain. There are a number of companies that scan them and sell electronic versions for nominal amounts. There is a list of such companies here: http://www.mikesflightdeck.com/links_1.htm. Scroll down to the Aircraft Manuals section.

A maintenance manual can answer a lot of questions. It may have line drawings that can help you lay out the cockpit. Many instruments are made in standard sizes. By scaling them in drawings and photographs you can determine the scale factors for the drawings in the manuals. There are no guarantees that the drawings in the manual are precise, but it's a start.

If you can find a museum with the aircraft in it, you may be able to make some physical measurements. If you call ahead and explain your passion, you may be able to get access to normally "hands-off" displays. Bring a tape measure and a camera.

01-01-2009, 03:12 AM

A few weeks back I followed some advice about sending an email to the National Air and Space Museum. They responded with all the info I will need to recreate an Intruder of my own, for a price. I will be sending off for some drawings that will get me started. Many thanks to everyone on this forum.

01-02-2009, 01:53 AM

This may in some small way help out abit as well possibly

Cool project good luck


01-02-2009, 02:17 AM

A few weeks back I followed some advice about sending an email to the National Air and Space Museum. They responded with all the info I will need to recreate an Intruder of my own, for a price. I will be sending off for some drawings that will get me started. Many thanks to everyone on this forum.

I recently put in an order for a full set of microfilm on the F-84F. Man that was expensive, but it's worth it to have the technical drawings for every nut and bolt in the aircraft. That way you know 100% sure that you're going to have a high fedelity accurate simpit. I ended up spending $1500 for the set of 48 rolls and the index printout. I still need to find a microfilm scanner at a local library to convert the microfilm over to DVD for reading on the computer.