View Full Version : Hi all from Sydney.....

10-22-2008, 05:05 AM
Just signed up....another newbie!

I've built my first 'home made' cocpit not to any spec or style, its just for fun, it works and its not too bad. 2 screens, flight yoke and todays latest edition is a flight seat based losely of a 747 seat:D I do mean losely!!!

Its been fun and I thank many of you for the inspiration through your websites and information freely given. The next step is to expand a little at a time...I'd like to add three sreens for the main viewable area and replace the 17" crt's with lrg LCD's...one day!

All and any advice is welcome.


10-22-2008, 05:20 AM
Hi Mercedes and welcome to My Cockpit from West Aus. Love to see some pix of your setup if have a chance, and did you make the seat yourself or adapt/buy something.

I'm just about to purchase 3 x 22" LCD's for outside view after deliberating over projectors, but I think the monitors will serve my purpose better. I intend mounting them on a sliding table support of some sort so I can slide them easily across for pilot or co-pilot centered view for landing. They can then slide back to pit centre for cruise flight. Should work!



Efe Cem Elci
10-23-2008, 03:45 AM
Like Ken said, welcome to MyCockpit. You will find lots of people here that are eager to hear about your project and help out whenever needed.

Is it just me or do we have many members joining from down under? Any of you Aussies recruiting on some local sites over there? :D

10-23-2008, 07:27 AM
Is it just me or do we have many members joining from down under? Any of you Aussies recruiting on some local sites over there? :D

Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Naa just kiddin! Who could be afraid of a few people living on sand, sun and surf?

Ken :) :) :)