View Full Version : Getting started

10-28-2008, 04:07 PM
Will this get me started?

Master kit
Display kit
Display cable
usb expansion kit
6way 7-seg pcb holder
6x led 7-seg displays

Will I need anything else to make this work for a radio? (I have encoders already)



10-28-2008, 05:59 PM
Yes it will do, but don't you need at least 10 x 7-segment displays for a radio? (2 x 5)

And I'd recommend to buy already assembled and tested boards, will cost you only EUR 41 more (in total), and may save you from a lot of frustration.


10-29-2008, 03:44 AM
Thanks Nico..... You are right I did forget the 'standby' display (opps!)

This made me wonder when you said 2x5 for the display as I was thinking 2x6 (how else will I be able to enter an 8.33Khz 'channel'?) - Now that's a point.....

How do the 8.33Khz channels display in a real airliner? I assume that sioc will allow any step size (even 8.33) per detente?

I already have a BU0836X for the encoder inputs and pots and would like to build as much as possible. I am not a beginner and have been in the electronics industry for 25 years and will enjoy spending a few cold dark nights constructing and testing these products ;-)



10-29-2008, 05:05 AM
I'm sorry don't know what you mean with 8.33kHz channele...

Every step size is possible in SIOC, so if you have a display of 5 digits you can display any frequency in the range abc.de (the decimal point is also at display 'c')

Is not that sufficient? or do you think you need abc.def ?


Michael Carter
10-29-2008, 08:48 AM
8.33 Khz spacing is being used in parts of Europe and the UK at higher flight levels. I think above FL245 but I'm not certain.

Peter Dowson
10-29-2008, 12:01 PM
How do the 8.33Khz channels display in a real airliner?

I assume they must use 6 digits, not 5. But what flight simulator are you using which currently supports 8.33 spacing?

Here's the actual frequencies compared to the indicated "channels":



10-29-2008, 12:37 PM
Thanks for all the replies

Pete has hit it exactly. These are in use NOW, and so need to be part of the sim (even if I have to wait for FS12 for it to be finally used, 10 years or more late!)....So I am planning for this now so I don't have to re-engineer the RMP in the future.

abc.def will be fine.

