View Full Version : B737-700NG MIP Annunciator Locations and othe ?'s

11-05-2008, 11:58 PM
Hey Everyone,

I've been putting my FDS-IBL MIP together and I have a few questions that are simple, but are needed to be answered.

1. Can someone post an exact layout of where the Annunicators (Locations) go on the MIP? I know it sounds silly, but I've searched everywhere high and low and yet, I cannot find a picture or diagram that gets close enough to read the lettering on the annunciators themselves

Now, I know many might say "...well, with different companies and the way they setup they're Mip's up, etc & etc...". I'm mainly talking about the FDS B737NG MIP.

2. For the life of me, I cannot find where an Autoland Annunciator would go? Does anyone have this on their MIP or can tell me where it goes?

3. For the GPWS on the FO's side, the Annunciator is to be labeled INOP right?

4. Finally, does anyone have their Sys 3 Card setup with the XML's and that I could get from you? I've not connected any wires for the MIP so I could follow someone elses procedure easily and get my MIP going sooner.



11-06-2008, 01:48 AM
Starting from the left side of the MIP and filling holes as you go. In other words, fill each hole before you move right. I also got an autoland annunciator and have now where to put it. If you have a hole over your flap gauge its for Flap Load Relief (Amber). Not using a sys3 but an LED64 & 0/8/8. Also my mip is not IBL. Older but should be the same design. Hope this helps.

Below GS
P Inhibit

Do not Arm


Out Of



LE Flap

LE Flap

6 Gears
(Red over Green)


Below GS
P Inhibit


ivar hestnes
11-06-2008, 12:26 PM
I made an extra hole in my MIP so I could fit the autoland annun. My airline likes to have all options installed;)

I would recomennd to buy 737 Cockpit companion by Bill Bulfer. A true must have for a 737 builder. Everything you need to know is there. Sorry I dont have the link stored. Also the FMC guide is recomended;).

But the fastest way to see a MIP close is to run PMDG 737 in 2d mode or virtual mode. Its all there buddy:)

11-06-2008, 04:02 PM
Thanks guys, I really value your help.

-Rodney, on the GPWS I thought it was Amber (yellow) after looking at the Continental Manaul in the download libray. Here is the link for it http://www.mycockpit.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=23 I'll take a look at that again.

I just noticed there are more manuals in there from the last time I looked. I think I need to do some more downloading...

-Ivar, thank you for the info on the 737 Cockpit Companion. I'm going to order that for sure. I have a question for you though, so where did you place the Autoland Annunciator on your Mip exactly?

Thanks again,


ivar hestnes
11-06-2008, 04:12 PM
Captain side. Autoland annun (red LED) is placed to the right of the "Below G/S P/inhibit" annunciator. I have 8mm between these two annuns.


Michael Carter
11-06-2008, 05:38 PM
Does anyone know when Boeing changed the color of the Leading Edge Flap Ext. from green to amber?

11-06-2008, 06:27 PM

You're right about the LE Flaps Ext annunciator; mine is green and I got these colors from somewhere, but I've forgotten where exactly. I checked the Continental Manaul Sec 6.15 pg 56-62 (manual in MYC download library) and is not listed; again this is just their manual and I know it's different with each airline/aircraft.

Ivar, you got the AFDS units from FDS right? So, do they go together as button, plexi with rough surface downward, then label, and then clear plexi on top (like a sandwich laid on the button)?

Oh, is anyone using the PULL UP below G/S annunciator? If so, where?


ivar hestnes
11-06-2008, 06:54 PM
I dont use those spacers at all actually. Guess that it is a matter of taste if you want the buttons to stick out of the panel or not. But sure the engraved piece is the one you hit with your fingers. Tha blanks are spacers. Could be useful if you have to make some distance between the AFDS pcb-plate and mip-panel to prevent shorting.

I assume that you have the ready made pcb-AFDS.

So I sticked the labels directly to the button:) And I dont ever use glue. 3M doublesided tape, thin as a human hair;) Then you can re-do if not satisfied.