View Full Version : Several questions

11-12-2008, 07:35 AM

I have two questions, good in fact I have many questions that to ask on PMSystem, but I will begin by these two:

1ª) Why when I connect the parking brakes, after a certain time (15 to 20 seconds) these are freed? It only happens when I execute last PMSystem version.

2ª) How is connected the external power supply?

A greeting and thanks for your attention.

Israel Abril Fernández

Trevor Hale
11-12-2008, 09:53 AM
Well, I can answer you #1.

Brake pressure is needed to keep the parking brake set. So unless you have built up the Brake ACCU with the APU or another function, I don't believe the parking brake will hold.

I could be wrong though. It could also be an issue with the switch or joystick assignment you have set that is causing the unit to release.


12-19-2008, 09:04 AM

2ª) How is connected the external power supply?

A greeting and thanks for your attention.

Israel Abril Fernández

This line of code in pmsys737.lgc:

extpwravail = extpwrinstructor or (fsPrkBrake and ((fsstartflag1 = 0) and (fsstartflag2 = 0)) and (beacon = 0))

Says that External Power is available if the instructor station [extpwrinstructor] (Another PM software), enables it.


Parking brake is on [fsPrkBrake] AND
Neither engines are starting (or have been startet) [(fsstartflag1 = 0) and (fsstartflag2 = 0)] AND
Anti Collision light is off [(beacon=0)]
