View Full Version : Should I must use the ProjcetMaganta software for my MIP

12-21-2008, 01:28 PM
Hi! all masters
I just prepare to build my home cockpits of 737-800,I use FSX to do that. I have collected a lot of files and tutorials from this forum and web links.aslo I have bought some I/O cards from opencockpits, now I think the most difficulties is build MIP, I have considered ProjectMaganta software, but the price is too expansive to me. Is there anyother cheaper software or ideas for me? I am not good at computer languages.

Trevor Hale
12-21-2008, 03:52 PM
Project Magenta is the BEST way to go, however there are other options available to you, including using the PMDG on one computer, to make your MIP work.


12-21-2008, 04:47 PM
I had some doubts Before i bought PM, but i must say I have never regreted it yet, i started up with a MIP with undocked windows from PMDG and Eicas from Fsxpand, but after PM its a whole new ballgame, Go to the shop if you can, its absolutly worth it.

12-21-2008, 09:45 PM
Hi Klause,

I don't use any of the above software but I have evaluated lots of them and I agree the PM suite is very nice and logical to setup, so if you're computer challenged they are a good, but expensive option.

Others in the 737 range include:

Flight Deck Software (http://www.flightdecksoftware.com/content/home) They do a complete 737 suite.

http://www.cockpitware.com/ This is free but limited.

http://www.sim-avionics.com/index.asp Offering a 737 & 777 suite at very reasonable cost.

http://www.ellieavionics.com/ Probably the cheapest of the payware crowd, but not yet complete.

http://cockpitsolutions.com/flyware/ And another very cheap option.

All of the above now offer evaluation copies to try out, and they should all work with Opencockpits interfaces. Make sure you read all documentation thoroughly and setup you network computers correctly as this seems to be the main cause of frustration, not the software itself.

Good luck,


12-21-2008, 11:14 PM
Thanks so much all of you! I have tried OGS 1.2 in FS2004 before, it works well,
but the effection is not perfect I think. I really know the projectmaganta is the best one of the effection, I have checked the link website that Kennair gived to me, I will consider about one of them first. thanks again!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all of you:lol:

12-21-2008, 11:47 PM

Other than Pm Systems has anyone else tried any of the other systems Ken identified? I looked up cockpitwares website and their price looks extremely reasonable, in fact cheap compared to PM. It also looks like it has full functionality and able to interface with hardware, including the overhead.
