View Full Version : New input card disconnecting the other card

Michael Carter
01-06-2009, 02:29 PM
The new Bodnar card I am wiring seems to have caused the BI Plasma MMII card to be disconnected. Upon initial start-up this morning the Plasma card was missing from the device list.

After re-checking assignments once again, because FS keeps trying to auto-assign functions to Leo's card, the Plasma MMII wasn't even connected.

I shut down the computer and disconnected Leo's card and re-started. The Plasma MMII was back so I plugged Leo's card back in. Now it's working fine, other than the damn re-assignments FS is still trying to make to the new card.

GGGGRRRRRR!!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

Does anyone know why this is happening? I hope I don't have to unplug the new card every time I start the computer just to keep the Plasma card from disappearing.

Trevor Hale
01-06-2009, 04:15 PM
Hey Mike, Actually i have found that my Flight Illusion card sometimes does that but I am not sure if my issue is because of Leo's cards or the added draw on the USB ports.

You do not need to unplug the cards, Just goto device manager and right click and press scan for hardware change. just never plug it in or unplug anything when flightsim is running otherwise it will attempt to assing functions to it. as long as flight sim is not running and you don't change usb ports, you will be all set.


Michael Carter
01-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Thanks Trevor. I understand the part about not plugging or unplugging anything while the sim is running, but even when scanning for new hardware, the Plasma MMII is still not found by Windows or the card's device manager.

In addition, it disconnected the card that my yoke and those functions are on. The only thing connected was Leo's card until I unplugged it and then restarted it.

After checking for the devices they were there once again there and I plugged in Leo's card.

There's no reason that I can figure out that Leo's card should be turning the other cards off like they aren't even there. I'm only using three of the six USB ports and I'm not running any lamps, LED's or other current drains on the USB ports.

After I get this set up the way I need it, I'm going to overwrite the current flight and save it. Shutdown the system and restart it and see what happens.

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to contact Leo about this. This is BS.

Trevor Hale
01-06-2009, 04:31 PM
Maybe if you get a chance, grab a cheap Powered USB hub. Plug leo's card into that and and run your other devices off your motherboard.

Just a thought.


01-06-2009, 07:19 PM
Trevor suggestion about using a powered USB hub is recommended. When I was starting out and as I added more usb devices, I had some weird and very frustrating problems with some of them. As soon as I started using a powered hub, they went away.


Michael Carter
01-06-2009, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. Looks like a powered USB hun is in my future. And soon too! This is annoying.

Michael Carter
01-07-2009, 09:21 AM
I went through the device manager before a flight last night and the details said "Let Windows turn this port off to same power"

I went through the list and disabled this in all of the USB hub entries. After a shutdown and re-start I had everything recognized and working. The puzzling thing about this is that during the trouble, all of the devices were listed, they just weren't working. Not like the port was turned off or anything.

In addition, I found out that each of these eight ports is capable of 500ma and the yoke card is drawing a measly 35 ma, the Plasma MMII at 100ma, and Leo's card at 100ma. After finding this out, I'm really at a loss, but I'm shopping for a powered hub nonetheless.

I just don't see how this can be a problem with the power available vursus the power being used.

I didn't have time to do another start-up and shutdown last night after the flight, but I'm going to look at it again this evening and see if everything is still working...or not.

Michael Carter
01-23-2009, 12:01 PM
I almost forgot about this thread until my memory was jarred by another person having the same trouble.

Changing the port settings to ON all of the time fixed this problem. I haven't had anything turn itself off since the above post was made.

I didn't realize these settings were even in the Device Manager, but I'm glad I rooted around in the hardware settings to find them.

Hope that might help someone else with the same trouble I had.

This was Win XP Pro.