View Full Version : New guy in Tampa, Florida - USA

01-11-2009, 12:15 AM
Hi gang, nice forum here! Lot's of very impressive work.

My project is an A320. I have FDS facades, IOCards for electronics, and FS2004 for sim. My electronics are well under way and working, Have tested several PFD/ECAM sotwares, who likes what here?

Any idea on cad drawings for A320 throttle parts? I have a cnc machine I built, it works great! I just need some drawings or gcode and away we go!

Anyway, I will beg for drawings in another forum section!

I have some fair knowledge on electronics and programming and will offer help where I think I am qualified, which might not be often with this group! Some of the projects I have seen here are amazing! I do have some pet projects that include a 40 character, 2-line fluorescent display driven over ethernet by a Rabbit microcontroller. The Rabbit runs a small bit of C code and get's whatever data you would like to display from a VB program that you setup do get data from FSUIPC, WideFS, or maybe even SIOC. i have used it to prototype a radio display, an autopilot display, and a general flight data display. Not very complex, but pretty nifty. I have also used LCD displays driven by printer port, and am a fair AVR developer. If anyone has a question they think I might help with, just ask.... I am will to try and help, even if I fail...I will certainly ask my share of questions. Also, any simmers in the Tampa area say hi!


Michael Carter
01-11-2009, 01:09 AM
Welcome to the forum Buddy. I moved one of your posts over to Gwyn's Engineering forum.

Diodano's forum is more ops oriented since he fly's them for a living.

Did you get your rabbit setup from Mouser? I saw that two catalogs ago and was reading some on it, but I don't have the programming knowledge to make use of it.

About the only thing I can do is make Boeing equipment work in a home-built simulator and a little carpentry and metal-working.

01-11-2009, 10:11 AM
Hi, and thanks for the reply. Yes, I got the Rabbit from Mouser. I use the RCM2200. It's pretty awesome; it has RAM,FLASH, RJ-45 with TCP/IP stack, and 4 serial ports. I use the serial ports to connect to the fluorescent display, so you can connect 4 of the m to 1 Rabbit! I wam working code right now that takes my VB program out of the picture and talks directly with FSUIPC.
