View Full Version : Hi from Queensland Australia

01-20-2009, 05:41 AM
Hi guys

I have been lurking on this site for a few years now. Joined up a while ago but this is my first post.

I live on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait. A beautiful island in warm tropical waters with plenty of great fishing. Part of my job is to fly in the rescue helicopter so I get to see some great views of the area. For those interested I have built a website and it has some photos of the area. You can see it at www.torresstraitambulance.com. (my apologies to those out there that are experiencing snow at the moment...:D:D:D)

I have been going through the 'yes i will' no i wont' contemplation of building a cockpit over that time. Its a hard thing to decide to invest in, and then there is the decision on which type to build. Jet, prop, large, small too many to choose from.

I am leaning toward a dash 8 but then again a Bae146 or maybe an ATR.. see ... cant decide ... one day maybe.

I dont have a minister of war and finanace (wife/partner) to dictate the funding for the project so thats not an issue, its just the committment... one day maybe..

AND of course then there is the question of FS9 or FSX.. the need for plenty of processing power and graphics... one day maybe...

So I will keep reading the forums and drooling over the monitor at all the great cockpits and work you guys do / have done and will have to settle on a design and get building... one day maybe



01-20-2009, 06:46 AM
Gidday Dave,
good to see you here and welcome!
Man, you are blessed to live in a place like that!
(I am one of the guys with snow behind the doorstep ...)

Efe Cem Elci
01-20-2009, 07:04 AM
Welcome to Mycockpit Dave! Take a look around and remember, you don't have to go with a specific design immediately. A lot of us started with a generic GA setup and then took the next step once we were comfortable with building and had made the decision based on the experience we had gained till that point.

01-20-2009, 08:42 AM
Hi Dave, good to see more Aussies joining (invading) this forum. I've got lots of family up the Queensland coast up to Mackay. I can imagine it would be spectacular to fly around that area (albeit a little sticky!).

Here's my suggestions for what it's worth (and may be highly disputed by others):

Go for FSX! If you've seen Orbx's FTX Australian scenery addon for FSX you'll never go back to FS9 (sorry FS9 lovers). Yes it's a hog, but today's processors are easily up to the task, and I'm betting just like Windows 7, FSII will be a friend to your CPU!!

From the aircraft you mention, go for the ATR as your aircraft of choice for your home cockpit. The reason is that Flight1 produce a fantastic ATR72-500 (http://atr.flight1.net/) which models most systems in high detail, so similar to the the LevelD767 (though not exactly), you will be able to activate panel and overhead functions to a greater degree than anything modelled for the other aircraft you mention. Of course the choice is yours and should be based on love of craft, but if the love is equal then go for the ATR. Better still, go for the LevelD 767 and get full functionality!

Be careful though as it's very addictive!


01-20-2009, 09:08 AM
Hi Dave,

Welcome aboard, i see there is a little interest in a BAE146. I have quite a few friends interested in the same however im not sure if there is much available for a BAE146, im more of a 737 builder.

Good luck with whatever you choose to build and be aware, cockpit building is addictive.


01-20-2009, 11:17 AM
Hi! I`m new here too. No need to worry about the snow! There should have
been a lot of snow here in Norway now, but there is nothing! Too bad! Guess
we just have to get used to global warming...:roll:

Tony Hill
01-20-2009, 11:32 PM
Welcome to another Aussie.

Enjoy the forum and take your time in choosing an aircraft. I agree with Ken, carefully balance your love of the aircraft with functionality.

