View Full Version : New from Cyprus

Steve A
01-31-2009, 09:17 AM
Hello guys. Just a quick hello, I have been lurking for a while and soaking up all the great info. I am quite new to fsx and have a custom built 3 screen "cockpit" already. However the "cockpit" in question is for simracing mostly.
I use keygetys SoftTH for my view span across 3 screens instead of triple head to go and i thought you all should know it seems the guys at softth have a new version (1.09) that is working with fsx. I am in the early testing of it and it seems the results are quite good.. I have managed to span across my three screens had a short flight but the graphics were a bit choppy and pixelated but hey its a start.


Thanks Steve

01-31-2009, 09:58 PM
Hello Steve, and thanks for the informative post.

Trevor Hale
02-01-2009, 09:36 AM
Welcome to MyCockpit Steve.

Hopefully you will be able to upload some picture to the gallery of your setup. I am looking forward to watching it progress.

Best regards,


Steve A
02-08-2009, 03:25 PM
Thankyou for the welcome guys.
Now what i said earlier about softTH working with fsx... It seems i got it working across 3 screens a couple of times but now i'm having problems.
Other people have it running fine, from what i have read, I think i shall give up and get a th2go.

I'm still very much a complete novice with flight sims, But as you can see im not completely new to having a go at building something.
My plan now is to have a projected image above and behind my three screens ( forward outside view ) and use my three screens for instrument panels.
I'll see how i like it and then maybe start having a crack at a little generic cockpit.
What i have now is comfortable for normal gaming, day to day computing and racing simulators. I must say i have a bass shaker installed under my seat for driving.. or at least it was for driving until i retracted the landing gear lol
For now though i shall just keep soaking up all the fantastic build projects on here




Steve A
02-15-2009, 02:54 PM
I managed to get hold of a LCD projector but the vga cable is too short,and as i cant really move my pc chassis I'm a little stuck for now. Do you guys just buy longer cables?
The steering wheel is to be stowed away and replaced with a yoke and i shall start building a custom projector screen tomorrow and mount it above and behind my tft's.

I already have one of leo bodnars usb boards with a few momentary switches attached.

Got to say i'm a little excited about this little project :D

Michael Carter
02-16-2009, 12:26 AM
My computers aren't even in the same room as the sim.

Just buy longer cables. Nice work on your auto.

Steve A
03-16-2009, 02:30 PM
Ok as i have said earlier i am very new to flight simming, but not a novice when it comes to getting as much realism to racing or flying as my budget and time allows.
Now to say i have caught the bug is a massive understatement and i have to thank mostly this site for getting me hooked on cockpit building.
I cant believe when i was reading the inlay cards that came with my copy of fsx it says something along the lines of " just google flight simulators and prepare to be amazed " Well i am blown away.
I thought i was special having a race sim with shiftlight indicators, triple screens and bass shakers, purpose built to say the least.

So i hooked up my projector for the outside views and immersion went up ten fold, but i am still sat in a race sim. I purchased what is probably an entry level flight yoke and throttle quadrant. The immersion went up another ten fold. For a 150 euros i think saitek have produced a brilliant product.From the attached picture you can see my outside view from the pj and my flight yoke.

Im still sat in a race sim though and not an aircraft cockpit.

So i have made the decision to turn my whole rig thru 90 degrees so it faces the wall and build a generic/ 737ish captain side cockpit along side the race set up.
My plan is to try and use a pedestal in between to mount gear shifter and TQ. I have seen a few nice modules at open cockpits and Goflight and they will come as soon as i have finished building my base.
I got a picture of a 737 and expanded it by 1000% then printed it off in a giant jigsaw.

Once i had worked out how my 17 inch tfts would fit, i tried a test with them and a paper cut out of the captain side mip. got to say im very pleased.

This weekend i shall use it as a stencil and cut out the shape in MDF.
Can anyone recommend a thickness?
Then its a case of building the casing and taking it from there.
I shall update my progress as i complete different stages if anyone is interested :roll:

P.s if i have posted this in the wrong section apologies and please feel free to edit :D

Steve A
03-22-2009, 01:22 PM
A little update. I built the MIP and mounted it on a long desk.
I still have shed loads of sanding, painting and finishing and hopefully next pay cheque a mcp from open cockpits will be on its way.
The projected screen is just a test in these photos, its actually propped up on the ironing board until its mounted up on the ceiling lol.
Loads more to do, starting with some research on what i can best use leo bodnars bu0836 for in my sim.
Then build the pedestal



Apologies for the rubbish quality pictures. :)