View Full Version : a320-project by SKALARKI

02-05-2009, 05:18 PM
Hi to everybody from polish builder but curently stuck in UK for next few years. :roll:
My name is Marcin, came from Poland, now Birmingham UK.
Few months ago I started my a320-project and now is the time to share with all of you with my current stage of project. Latest news as well as some history you can find on my website www.a320-project.skalarki.co.uk (http://www.a320-prject.skalarki.co.uk). Below most recent picture of my cockpit.


Many more on my website. Thanks for looking.

PS. Generally website is bilingual, but some of articles can be only in one language for some time before translation will be done.

02-05-2009, 06:28 PM
Hi Marcin,
Nice looking set up there you have! Looking forward to seeing how it develops. I am hoping to build an Airbus A320/330 myself. Building should commence in the next few weeks, but money limits the progress! Doesn't it always?!

Anyway I look forward to seeing how your project moves along and since I am not too far away from you, we should keep each other posted...


02-05-2009, 06:41 PM
Hi Nigel

Thank you for contact and warm words.
Within next few weeks my project should move little bit further into stage II of my plan. Then I will have to post some more pictures and information, especially regarding interfacing. Currently I am exchanging information and ideas with two more fellows, one from Poland and one from UK. But more of us, means we can do something better.

Looking forward for any news


02-05-2009, 09:19 PM
Nice looking sim! Great work on the panels, how did you make them? I am in the beginning stages of an A320 project myself, and have been working on the throttle quad too. You are a little farther along than I am. I just put the shelf for the Captain's displays today while I was waiting on a new router bit for the cnc machine. Here's a few photos of todays work.


12-24-2013, 08:45 PM
Hi Marcin, looks like your website and company has done quite well so far. I hope to purchase some products from you soon. Merry Christmas!