View Full Version : 747 over head panels

02-08-2009, 02:03 PM
I went to flight deck solutions to see about buying some panels for my sim and if I buy the K@ panels it will cost me 1,615.10 and if I go with the EM1 it will be 5,334.45 what is the diffrents and some one on you tube said it only cost them 3,000.00 to build there flight sime so where do you go to buy your panels. That is a lot just for the over head that is not even including to center panels for the nav and com radio's So where do you go to buy a FMC kit and all the com and nav radio's and the MCP and all other panels?

02-08-2009, 05:31 PM
You can build a good sim for $3000 but certainly not a 747 or any other airliner with a functional Overhead and Pedestal...
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