View Full Version : I need help!!!!!

02-10-2009, 01:46 PM
hello to all i am new at sim building and i realy need some help i like 2 diffrent
planes one is the 737-800 and the other is the 747 100/200/400
i am abit mixed up at the moment i have a peice of aluminum for the mip but i can not make up my mind i see the there is alot o things for the 737 800 but there is nothing for the 747 200 like plug and play autu pilot efis and fmc there is for the 747 400 but not for the 747 200 and this is were things get hard for me if some one out there is willing to help me out and gide me though steps as i am new and i whant to start building every thing together some thing that can not be done please let me knoe thank you:(:(

02-10-2009, 03:11 PM
747 classic autopilots pop up on ebay from time to time. You can get those to work in flightsim. Mike Carter has successfully done that with his 727 autoplilot. You can get alot of parts for the old 747s now but it is a much harder and longer route than just buying plug and play parts for the ng from one of the good vendors. I think its more rewarding though, But if you just want to plug and fly then the 737 is the way to go.


02-10-2009, 03:42 PM
thnk you gsey for your reply i am intrested more about building a 747-200
than plug and play 737 but i can not find mesurments for the mip to start i have meserments for the 747 400 but i dont know if they are the same i need phots close ups of mip and i dont know how to make paneals i can make them of plaxiglass but i dont know how to ingrave the words on them.then i was thinking of open cockpits for interface can you help me get started??

02-10-2009, 04:55 PM
Check cockpit pictures on www.Airliners.net to start with
The 747 cockpit kept identical on the series but the layout of instruments changed of course.
Try to get real panels on EBay. There were some a while ago..they are not that rare.
Try also www.oncealoft.com ..they have old airliner panels. email NICK and ask for 747
It might be faster and better than designing it from zero.
(If my memories are good there is an old 747 rotting in the sun at the old airport in Athens).!!

02-10-2009, 04:56 PM
The only current builder of a 747 classic that I know of is here : http://jumbo747.blogspot.com/

If you contact him he may well get the ball rolling for you in terms of dimmensions etc.

As for anything else the best advice I can give is search, search, search. Your at the right place so search the forums and you can decide for yourself which is the best road to go down as pretty much any question you can ever think of has been disscussed before.


02-11-2009, 04:04 PM
thank you for the information it is great about the 747 at the old airport in athens i have seen it but i do not know hoe to contact so i can go see what i can get i do not live in athens so it is a bite more harder for me to go around asking thank you very much again i will start serching and hope to be in touch soon thanks again:D:D:D