View Full Version : yoke building

02-14-2009, 01:27 PM
hello all i am a new builder gathering info about the 747- 200 i need some help
on the yoke i have a plastic 6.3" pipe with a 90 degrees conner and a tap
for my yoke coluem and i have hacked a joystick but i am having trobules with
how to make it work i need so advice becuse i do not know were to find plastic geares so i can make the potisiometer work if eny one can help:D

02-14-2009, 01:59 PM
Try this....

http://www.737ng.co.uk/Boeing_B737_Control_Column.pdf :D


02-14-2009, 02:57 PM
thanks very good stuff do you know were i can find thows sort of geares that small and hydulics thanks:D